
Nov 02, 2004 00:08

*growls at self* Well today was another mental breakdown day (thanks for the concern everybody, but I was just being dumb as always), ACK I can’t stand when I get so selfish that I let myself do that. *sigh* ha, but who else can be disappointed in me? My parents can’t, or they’d be comparing me to near perfection (at least that’s how I feel about ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

I'm Not Even In Choir nothingwitty November 2 2004, 05:19:46 UTC
How much food should I take? (haha, you can tell where my mind centers) - Lots of junk food. When you think you've got a reasonable amount packed... pack some more. There will be mooches.
How cold will it be? - Christina, this is you we're talking about... it'll be cold.
How much clothing should I take? - One outfit for everyday.
What should I take to do? - CD Player and a book. Those two things are all you need in these situations. Oh, and extra batteries
What should I take in general? - See Above.
What does the mandatory “fun” mean? - if you're having an awful time, too bad. Put on that happy face! It isn't your place to drag anyone down.
What kind of bonding is supposed to be going on? - Learning more about people than you reasonably should and/or want to. "What is said on the choir trip stays on the choir trip". Ha. Ya right.
How much time am I going to be spending with just the people in my room? - More time than you probably want to.
Should I find some sort of costume? (if yes, what?) - Yes. Gypsie Princess.
What is ( ... )


l_o_r_e_l_e_i November 2 2004, 19:05:46 UTC
How much food should I take? (haha, you can tell where my mind centers ( ... )


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