S.A.G.E. Test Results
Your Raw Score is: -445, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous
Your appearance is Feminine
Your brain processes are mostly that of a Male person.
You appear to socialize in a masculine manner.
You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.
You indicated your were born Female.
Female to Male Transsexual in doubt about your ability to successfully transition.
Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young.
Okay, there are some missing spaces in the SAGE answers, all right.
My current psychological state has prevailed since I was quite young, all right, but it's *not* female-to-male transsexual. Apparently being good at math, not so hot at social behaviors, and not particularly thinking of yourself in terms of one sex or the other is interpreted as wanting to be a guy.
Am I the only one offended by this? Or at that the only 'I hate sewing' answer is followed by 'that's Women's Work!', and 'I love tools!' is associated with 'That's stuff for a REAL Man!' (Yes, those are paraphrases, I don't feel like looking them up.)
This test vaguely reminds me of my high-school guidance counselor, the one who refused to let me take engine-repair courses because it "wasn't ladylike." Grrrrr.
And now my husband has come home with a broken tooth to remind me there are better things to be worrying about...