Tree and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Jul 03, 2003 16:58


1) We apparently missed our hearing for Medicaid. Nobody bothered to tell us we had a hearing. Or a case worker. Actually, till today, we hadn't heard anything at all since we filled out the initial paperwork. We tried to call the case worker back, but she'd gone home, and since it's the weekend of the 4th, we won't be able to get hold of her till Monday.

2) Three more 'thank you, but' emails for me, and the company Tree actually got an interview at Monday called back to tell us that they can't use him.

3) The temp agency Tree's currently working for has put him on notice for calling off. Yes. That's right. He missed *one* day of work, which he notified both them and the company he's on assignment to about the day before, because he had to go in for *emergency surgery*, and for this, he's *on notice*. These people are insane.

On the bright side, there's finally a paycheck this week, between that and the next one we'll have enough to cover the July car payment which means that the one after *that* will be able to go back to savings, and the company Tree's currently on assignment to really likes him.

And they found a bacterium that eats vinyl chloride. How cool is that?
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