Sometimes it lasts in love and sometimes it hurts instead

Aug 22, 2011 00:57

Meme gacked from several places! And re-reading, this seems like a kinda bitchy post, for which I'm sorry, but really, what else could it be?

The one who seduced you, screwed you over, broke your heart in a million pieces, and laughed about it: ST: Voyager, surprisingly enough. It seduced me because I'd totally thought it was a stupid idea for a show (i.e., obvs, they're going to stay lost in space until the show starts to suck and nobody cares about it anymore), but Janeway drew me in and won me over. And then came the recycled plots, uneven characters, and the suck. Voyager was the straw that made me break up with Star Trek altogether and never watch another episode of any Trek iteration ever from about the middle of the Voyager run until the reboot movie.

Which I loved.

Hey, Trek, don't feel bad about the breakup. It's not like we broke up and I started dating your younger brother or anything. It's more like we broke up and now, years later, I'm occasionally fucking your hot jailbait son!

The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp: Leverage. When I get around to watching new eps it's reliably awesome, but it's not really a thing.

The mysterious dark one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 AM at weird coffee houses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized s/he really was fucking crazy: Fringe. I'm glad I watched and glad I stopped mid-season 3. That shit is fucking crazy and not going to end well.

The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor and whom you'd still really like to get with again, although you're relieved s/he doesn't actually live in town: Primeval. I mainlined all the episodes within a few days and it was just ridiculously LOLarious watching them reboot the show every other season, but I am totally still obsessed by the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs!!!! It just sounds ridiculous for a grown woman to attempt to explain. DINOSAURS!!!

The steady: Castle. Solid, reliable, funny-sexy-engrossing entertainment, Week after week after week. Not fannish about it; it's just like a "normal" TV relationship!

The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with: Torchwood. Captain Jack Harkness has ruined all fangirls everywhere for any other lascivious captains around ::squints at Reboot!Kirk:: by being competent, intelligent, funny, awesome and willing to sleep with all of us, not just the hot women. But seriously, giant meat slugs? Alien CHUDs living in the sewers? To be serious is asking for heartbreak, and that's the last thing Captain Jack would want for me. ::nods::

The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with, but ultimately you're just good buddies: Warehouse 13. It's pretty! It's interesting! The characters are likeable; the premise is cool and limitless in scope. I just keep wishing it were slightly better than it is.

The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool person except it's never really gone anywhere: BSG. I've watched most of it, just to maintain my geek girl street cred, but honestly, can't see what the fuss is about. It's dark, unlikeable as a faux-intellectual-beatnik in black banging on about politics, boring, and (spoiler alert, though I haven't actually seen the ending) it's not going to end well.

The one who gave you the best damned summer of your life and against whom you measure all other potential partners: Firefly. I came to it via DVD and within the first five minutes of the pilot looked over at my friend/crack peddler and said, "Oh yeah, this got cancelled," because it was just too good for mass-market TV. And I loved it and watched it over and over and over again. :)

The one you recently met at a party and would like to get to know better: Eureka. Except from the high quota of annoying character angst I have no desire to watch the earlier seasons. And it's about to be cancelled, so. But Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton are awesome in their guest spots, and that Sheriff guy has a cool way with line delivery ("Someone robbed a bank!")

The one who stole your significant other: Don't have one. Though the Eleventh Doctor has coralled a bunch of friends for reasons passing understanding.

The old flame that you wouldn't totally object to hooking up with again for a one night romp if only they'd clean up a bit: Valentine. Don't judge me.

The one you should have broken up with before they got arrested for stealing your TV and selling it on eBay: The West Wing. I almost got out after the beginning of S6, but then I stupidly went to a filming location and ended up watching the rest of the season even though why god why...

The one you're glad you broke up with early enough that you can still remember her fondly rather than the subject of that embarrassing tabloid story with which her name is now irrevocably linked: Doctor Who. Haven't really fangirled since Rose left (the first time). Which isn't to say I didn't ADORE, say, Donna, Ten, etc. But that particular season ender was heartbreaking, scarring, beautiful, and to be honest, timed perfectly. After bawling through it, sobbing about it in support groups, etc. I went on to watch the following seasons at my own pace and enjoyed, but was never again invested.

The one you had a torrid and exciting group thing with that was fun and interesting and exciting...until it just got old and a little boring (but you still look back on fondly): X Files. It helped that I didn't have access to the final few seasons immediately, so the shipper issue had time to cool and I could come back to the last part of it newly, without the fangirl-intensity, and just laugh at the crazy and the fact the show should have ended after the Scully-has-cancer arc was resolved at the beginning of S5.

Your hot new flame: Not sure I have one. Justified has kind of won me over, what with Timothy Olyphant being hot, wearing tight jeans and a cowboy hat, but now I kinda don't want to visit Kentucky. :)

Though I kinda do want fried chicken.
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