Enter Esme Hinde on the Hogwarts scene!
Here is my (slightly condensed!) app so you can get to know Esme a little:
Player Information
Name: Lizzie
LJ Username:
littlefrog29'Hogwarts is Home' House: Hufflepuff
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address): AIM: littlefrog029. MSN/email: lizzietuley@hotmail.com
Character Information
Name: Esme Hinde
LJ Username: (if available)
esme_hindeHouse: Gryffindor
Age: 16
Birthdate: 29th June 1990
Year: 6th
Bloodline: Half - her father is a wizard and her mother is a Muggle
Heritage: English born, with roots in Ireland
Personal History: Born in Devon in Southern England, Esme grew up in a close-knit family. She has three siblings, all of which are younger than her - the twin brothers are cheeky 11 year olds and the youngest boy is only 7. Her father is a Healer at St. Mungo’s and often works long hours while her mother stays at home looking after the children. Esme missed them all very much when she first went to Hogwarts but she put on a brave face so that no one would guess. She has scraped though her years at Hogwarts with average grades and is perfectly content with this state of affairs. She has paternal grandparents in Ireland who are very fond of her and she often visits them. Her maternal grandparents died before she was born but she has cousins on her mother’s side that they see as often as they can.
Personality: Esme is intelligent but has a streak of laziness that explains her average grades. She is physically clumsy, probably because she is always in a hurry, rushing around to meet someone or do something. She loves to fly and often shows off her dives to her brothers when at home. Incurably blunt, her tongue can get her into trouble and she is known for saying the most outrageous things - especially to professors. She has a definite mischievous streak cultivated by ongoing pranks against her brothers and is always up for some laughs. Normally to be seen with a big grin on her face and often a sketchbook somewhere on her person. She loves animals and has a close bond with her owl, Otto.
Physical Description: Esme’s Irish heritage is easy to be seen with her dark curly hair and fair skin with pink-tinged cheeks. Her build is fairly average but errs on the slim side (around 120 pounds). She’s short (5’3”) and wishes desperately for an extra few inches. She looks exactly like her mother but refuses to believe it when everyone tells her so.
Preferred Body Model: Zoe Rainey.
http://www.granthamhazeldine.com/media/actresses/rainey.zoe.jpg Hobbies and talents - max of five: Sketching, flying
Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses: dancing, illegible handwriting, punctuality, singing
Best subjects - max of three: Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy
Worst subjects - no max: Charms, Arithmancy
Broom: Cleansweep 7
Wand: Willow, 10”, unicorn hair, springy
List of classes for current year: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, Astronomy, Potions, Arithmancy, Herbology
Alignment: Esme is definitely anti-Voldemort as her mother is a Muggle. She is aware of the grave threat posed by Voldemort and often worries about her mother and Muggleborn friends and is considering being an Auror after Hogwarts.
So, any thoughts on friends/enemies/possible threads? I'd love to get started! Oh, and if anyone is a graphcs whizz and could possibly make me an icon for Esme I will shower you with luff and virtual cookies and will be your slave for ever. Srsly.