Myshuno! 2014 Prompt: "It smells like feet in here" (210 words)

Oct 28, 2014 21:52

The prompt for this story was "It smells like feet in here," submitted by fuzzy_spork. This story will fit into a future chapter of Ruth's (un)Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge, but contains no spoilers.

Well, unless you count the fact that it reveals that someday a boy who is currently a Child will a) become a Young Adult and b) be interested in bringing a member of the opposite sex back to his dorm room. Then it's spoilery as all get-out.

Rating: PG for the story, R (for language) for the note at the end.

Dramatis Personae
Nanki-Poo Shankel, possessor of ten Neat points and zero Nice points
Deadeye Shankel, his twin brother, possessor of zero Neat points and ten Nice points

The hallway outside Deadeye's dorm room.

NANKI-POO: Okay, so all you want me to do is open the door?
DEADEYE: Yeah. Just open the door and tell me what you think.
NANKI-POO: Am I looking for anything special?
DEADEYE: No, just take a look like you're maybe a girl that I'm maybe thinking of inviting over, maybe. Like, would you want to come in and hang out, or would you want to go home?
NANKI-POO: Okay. (opens door onto darkness, fumbles for the light switch) Ugh. You might want to open a window before you invite anyone over. (finds the light and turns it on) Oh Esme. (turns away, eyes closed)
DEADEYE: (eagerly) That good? (proudly) I spent four hours cleaning!
NANKI-POO (still with eyes closed): This girl you're thinking of inviting over maybe -- Does she iron her underwear?
DEADEYE: (blushes) I don't know. I've never seen her underwear. Why?
NANKI-POO: Well, because I iron my underwear, because I'm very particular. (deep breath, then, in a rationalizing tone) But most people don't iron their underwear, because they have low st -- I mean, because they don't have the same comfort level as me. So as long as this girl doesn't iron her underwear, you should be okay. But seriously: open a window. It smells like feet in here.

Note: The title of this piece comes from a website I very much like called Unfuck Your Habitat. It's cleaning tips, support, and inspiration for real people with real lives and real challenges. One of the features is user-submitted before-and-after pictures, which are often triumphantly labelled "Habitat unfucked!" I highly recommend the site, but be warned that the UfYH Lady does use a lot of strong language.

Yes, the twins are the result of alien abduction. Hence the extreme personalities.

deadeye, son of myshuno!, nanki-poo

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