The prompt for this story was “Taking public transportation,” submitted by penguingirl03. This story fits into Season 2, Episode 1 of 100 Days of Awesome. There are no spoilers.
Rating: G
Dramatis Personae
Winifred Tsvirkunov, a high school student
Will Criquette, a transfer student from Sim City
The school hallway, as classes are letting out for the day.
WILL: Where do I find the bus?
WINIFRED: The school bus? It comes to the back of the school, the same place it always does.
WILL: No, the bus for the city.
WINIFRED: Er, well, the school bus is, well, it’s for a city school…
WILL: No, the bus for when I went to go to the city. The city center. The center of the city?
WINIFRED: Downtown?
WILL: Yes. The bus for when I want to go downtown.
WINIFRED: You just take a taxi. Or walk.
WILL: Is very large distance and one taxi is very costly. Don’t you guys have… I don’t know the word in Simlish… yabadee skabadoo?
WILL: Yabadee skabadoo? Em, travelling for everyone? No, not that. Em, a bus, like the school bus, but not for school. For to travel to other places, like downtown or to the mall. And everyone uses it, notonly students. Everyone sits themselves down and the bus goes in a circle, it stops here and there and you enter when you need to enter and leave when you need to leave an everyone else also.
WINIFRED: So you can’t just get on and then go where you need to go? You have to wait for the bus to make the circle?
WILL: Yes.
WINIFRED: And you aren’t by yourself or with family or with other people your own age? You mean you might end up sitting next to some smelly old guy who talks to himself and stares at you?
WILL: Yes.
WINIFRED: Ewwwwww! We don’t have anything like that here. We have taxis. Taxis don’t cost anything here and they take you right where you want to go. Here, I’ll help you call for one.