The prompt for this story was “A shocking discovery,” submitted by fuzzy_spork. This story fits into the current chapter of Fuchs That!. There are no spoilers.
Rating: PG (for implied possibility of self-harm)
NOTE: Goochie speaks the way I speak when I’m not being formal. I bet a lot of you drop your terminal G’s and slur words together too. :)
Dramatis Personae
Goochie Fuchs, to rhyme with “dukes,” a classy lady currently in her second trimester
Adrian Landchild, Goochie’s fiancé and father of the baby
The living room of Goochie’s trailer. Goochie and Adrian are discussing their upcoming nuptials.
GOOCHIE: So - do you wanna invite your folks?
ADRIAN: Can’t. They’re both dead.
GOOCHIE: Awwwwww. (pats Adrian’s hand) I’m sorry.
ADRIAN: It’s been a while now. Mom died ten years ago, just two weeks shy of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary - car accident. Dad just wasn’t the same after, died of an overdose of sleeping pills less than a year later. It might’ve been an accident.
GOOCHIE: Wait, so you’re sayin’…? (counts on her fingers) Your dad… (counts again) Your dad an’ your mom woulda been married thrity-five years this year?
GOOCHIE: But… (frowns) But yer only thirty-two.
GOOCHIE: So… (frowns harder, counts on her fingers again) So they got married three years before you were born? You mean that they didn’t hafta get married?!
ADRIAN: Uh, no.
GOOCHIE (dubiously): Mmmmmmm… I dunno. That’s kinda weird. Your family definitely wadn’t normal. I dunno if I wanna marry inta a abnormal family like that…