The prompt for this story was “Gone Fishing,” submitted by bellemistoire. This story fits into probably the chapter after next of Movin’ On Up!. There are no spoilers, although this scene may or may not show up in a future episode. I reserve the right for it to do so.
Rating: G
Dramatis Personae
Bryan Littledragon, actor, in character as the dumb caveman Urk
Bella Littledragon, actress, in character as the smart cavewoman Akka
Bryan and Bella are the main characters of an 80’s-style sitcom about cavemen. Of course, since it’s a Creation To Future challenge, someday it will be an 80’s-style sitcom about robots. The important thing, though, is that it’s an 80’s-style sitcom and exactly as stupid as you would expect.
Because they are cavemen, they often don’t have words for things like we do.
Near the garden, a little farther away from the pond with fish in it.
BRYAN: I’ll pull up the plants you don’t want from around the plants you do want.
BELLA: That’s very sweet of you - thank you!
BRYAN: Because you’re really fat right now and you can’t bend over very well.
BELLA: …That’s true, I can’t. I’m going to fish instead.
BRYAN: You’re going to what?
BELLA: Fish. So I can contribute too. I don’t have to bend over for that.
BRYAN: What’s “fish”?
BELLA: I’m going to attach a sharp think to a long thing whippy thing and throw it in the water and then pull it out again, hopefully with a floppy eatable thing attached to the sharp thing.
BRYAN: Oh. But why did you say “fish,” then?
(Bella casts the fishing rod, which makes a noise like “fshshshshshshshshshshsh”)
BRYAN: Oh! Oh wow! That’s really clever, and lots faster to say! (wanders off, repeating happily to himself) Fish, fish, fish, fish, fish.