The prompt for this story was “‘No way.’ ‘Way.’ ,” submitted by docnerd. This story fits into the next chapter of 100 Days of Awesome. Contains one mild spoiler.
This story is a true drabble - exactly and precisely one hundred words (plus an additional fifteen-word allowance for the title).
Rating: sim-R (for sim-swearing)
ANASTASIA: You’re not serious.
ANASTASIA: No no no - that can’t be right. I don’t believe you. You’re censor blurring me.
REBECCA: I am not censor blurring you. One hundred percent on the level, absolutely no pixelated censor blur.
ANATSASIA: Seriously.
REBECCA: I swear on our mother’s grave.
ANASTASIA: Really. All we have to do to earn the community lot point for today is to actually go to a community lot.
ANASTASIA: No. No way.
ANASTASIA: Well, woohoo. That’s easy. One of the kids could do it, even. (pause) Nah, you’re censor blurring me.