Okay, SO. This has been a seriously sucky week. And seriously sucky weeks... well, suck (yeah, I'm not so much with the eloquent at the moment, sue me). BUT. You know what never, ever fails to make things brighter?
I have spent kind of an embarrassing amount of time over the last few days staring at this amazing hug:
Because it's just... perfect. I love how they never do the boy-hug thing with the "I am a manly man" backpats (and okay, I know it's ridiculous to ever use a Jonas brother and "manly man" in the same sentence, but
Dom and Billy did the "I am a MAN" backpats, for god's sake.
Dom and Billy!); they just press themselves together and hang on. And I really want to know what this hug was about. Had they not seen each other in 20 minutes? Were they about to not see each other for 20 minutes? Were they just attempting to fill a hug deficit? I seriously, like, don't even think Kevin's "six o'clock hug" thing was a joke--I firmly believe they go into "I haven't touched my brother in the last hour, and all that is good and green in the world will not return until I do so" mode ALL THE TIME.
Let's look at some more:
And yeah, I know I already posted the pounce hug, but whatever, I can't do a JoBros love post without it. Joe Jonas gives good quality, fun hugs!
Go on, TRY to tell me that they're not in love. I DARE YOU.
AND THEN. There was this moment in
this video, where... okay. Obviously they are not kissing in front of Kevin and the Rolling Stone cameras. That's ridiculous. But holy GOD, it looks like they're kissing in front of Kevin and the Rolling Stone cameras. Here are the caps, lifted from someone whose name I will fill in as soon as I get it from Candice, (badly) brightened in photoshop so their heads are not just black spots:
I'm not even sure what to say to that, so instead, let's look at some caps of the amazing forehead sex thing they do pre-show:
ajfkdl;asjfklasd;jfkld;asjfkld;sajflas; What do you even SAY to that? Just... LOOK AT THEM! It's even better when you see it in the video, because they just CLUTCH each other, so hard, and they hold on so long, and right before there's this moment where Nick's going in and Joe moves a bit to let him and you can see them falling into sync and PARTS OF ME DIE EVERY TIME I SEE IT. This is from the 3D movie (which I, um. AM TOTALLY NOT BUYING. I AM GROWN WOMAN WITH A SENSE OF SHAME. REALLY), and here is the GIF, along with an early forehead-sex moment
*glazes* Then there's this:
I'm not sure what it is about this picture that kills me, but it does, every single time. Both of them all dressed up and serious and Joe preserving the moment and... I don't even know. It's one of my absolute favorite pictures, which is kind of odd given how many pictures there are of them hugging and clutching and stroking and climbing all over each other and looking at each like they're the only two people in the world. Maybe just because it makes me think of a wedding, and okay, I know that's sick and wrong and impossible, I do, but... but. It's just. Sam and Dean would laugh themselves sick if anyone ever suggested some kind of commitment anything, a ceremony or a ring or an anniversary, even if they'd been together for 20 years, but Joe and Nick... I think they'd want that. Want to stand up in front of everyone they love and say, "We love each other, and we're going to spend our lives together." And of course they never could, they can't even tell anyone, or almost anyone, and IT'S ALL JUST SO SAD. Though not too sad, because, you know, epic love. And they're totally going to be the brothers who live together and date beautiful women but never anything serious and always, always come home to each other. THE END. Also, DON'T YOU JUDGE ME.
Here is a shiny little picture I like to call "Prelude to an Upside-Down Kiss":
Joe all sprawled out and looking up at Nick and Nick looking down him, both of them so totally focused on each other, always, always, ALWAYS in that "When we're together, it's like there's no one else in the room" mode that just is possibly the greatest thing in the entire world.
I don't think I need to explain why this one makes me happy:
And a couple of choice quotes from a recent interview:
"I kinda just decided to be with Nick." YES, JOE, WE KNOW YOU DID. I love how it doesn't even occur to them that it's odd to talk to interviewers about the fact that they still share a room and sometimes a bed even though they're like, multi-gazillionaires, or that they routinely stay up until 5 a.m. talking even though they never get enough sleep and they spend all day every together, or for Joe to wrap himself around Nick and tell him he loves his face or talk about his soft skin, or for them to sit half in each other's laps or kiss goodbye (yes, on the top of the head, but still) and say "I love you" when they're going to be separated for two hours or to just stroke the other's thigh in an interview:
or full-on FLIRT:
or just generally be completely unable to go ten minutes without being all over each other in inappropriate and wonderful ways. BEST. BOYS. EVER. OMG. Speaking of which, I can't remember whose icon this is, but it's just so true:
They are so wonderful and shiny and perfect and so fucking in love that I'm not sure how they exist, but oh, my GOD, the world is a happier place because they do.
ALSO! Kevin is getting married! Which delights me both because he is adorable and funny and sometimes embarrassingly home-schooled but never in a way that makes me love him any less and because he was the
most adorable child in the history of the world (way cuter than Nick and Joe!) and he is going to have equally adorable children, and also JOE AND NICK ARE GOING TO BE HIS BEST MEN AND STAND UP AT THE ALTER IN TUXEDOS AND I WILL DIE IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY.