004. CHOCOLATE - Yesung/Shindong
Title: Silly joke
Date: 18.08.2009
Genre: Crack, humor
Words: Not sure, over 200
Summary: Yesung is mad, Shindong tries to make him feel better.
Silly joke
Yesung had had really bad day. He was kind of angry and the others was laughing at him. And only because he had made really weird sounding noise at their interview. But he just couldn’t help laughing when he heared words wrong.
And now, when he wanted some silence in his room, Shindong was one who didn’t respect other’s wishes.
“Yesung! Don’t be mad at us! You have to admit that it was extremely funny!” he said, smailing carefully.
Yesung didn’t response. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he said finally, after ten or fifteen minutes. It seemed that Shindong isn’t going to leave.
“Hm.” Shindong plundered in his pockets and took out hazelnut chocolade.
Yesung pressed his lips together. Shindong must have known that it was his favorite. “You know,” he started, “Heechul told me quite funny story yesterday.”
“What was it about?” Shindong looked curious.
“Well. It’s kind of joke. Wan’t to hear?”
“Yup, start already!” Shindong looked at Yesung. He had already forgotten his chocolate.
“Once there was really handsome man. He was sadly a bus driver. And one lovely old woman always gave to him handful of hazelnut when she bought a ticket.” Yesung paused, smiled lightly and continued then. “One day the woman didn’t give bus driver any hazelnuts. I must tell that she didn’t have very good teeth. The busman looked surprised. Old lady only said: “I’m so sorry, my dear son, in our shop, there wasn’t hazelnut chocolade today!”.”
Shindong grimaced when he reached the point. “That… that isn’t funny at all,” he mumbled finally.
Yesung smiled happily. “I know. Gross, isn’t it?”
The other member looked at his chocolade and then at Yesung.
“You know… I don’t want this anymore. You can have this.”
“Oh, Shindong. You don’t have to,” said Yesung, trying to hold his laugh.
“Really, it’s nothing.”
“Thanks, then.” Yesung bit the chocolate. “You’re the best.”