Title: Early Riser
Pairing: Sanada/Atobe.
Rating/Contains/Word count: G/557 words
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I make profit from Prince of Tennis
Summary: In which Atobe wakes up first.
Notes: Please let me know your thoughts/constructive crit/comments.
Early Riser )
Comments 2
*happy wiggles*
I love your Kirihara. He's adorable and a spazz in all of your fic.
"You wanted a banana sandwich. And you didn't care who made it." I totally LOL'd at the whole banana bit. I love Atobe and Sanada's snark.
You don't know how ridiculously happy I am that you wrote Okumura!cest. It totally played into my tail!kink love when it comes to Rin.
Thankies, lovie. I loved these. <333
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