Aah, finally I got to computer! Last night the internet was down (the server had some problems, apparently) and I couldn't come give you a short con report. ;_
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Aww, maybe sometime you will! I can give you some lessons if we get to meet eachother some time and have time, if you'd like. ♥ And.. Yes, the patience was a huge problem with me, too. XD At some point I threw stuff to a wall because I got so annoyed.. O_o;
that would be great if you could show me that one day ;) I'm sure we will meet someday!!
*lol* throwing stuff to walls makes you feel better, right? I wished I could also do it someties, but then all people from my flat would come totally scaried into my room and ask if I'm ok XD
and I think the third one, it looks like hide (I mean the real one and not like a cosplay of hide ... I hope you understood what I wanted to say ^.^")
Ah, I left you some comments at your older posts, maybe you have time to read them :)
Of course! When a band I MUST see comes to Germany, we'll meet, right? ^__^
Well.. it didn't. XD I just had to do it, I was so pissed. XD I came to bang my table after that, and almost broke my wrist. o_o; Then I listened some Diru, because Kyo always screams on my behalf. XD Aww, poor you.. it really does feel good sometimes. I don't usually do it either, because.. well, my parents don't like it. >_>; Maybe some time I'll get to do it whenever I want. x3
I think I do, and I so love you for that comment. Thank you! ♥ *glomphug*
I'll go see them, I noticed them but hadn't the time to read them just yet. x3
D: Mä en nähny Kristiinaa siellä ollenkaa (toi keskimmäinen hide). Ja siellä oli ainakin lauantaina vielä yksi hide, sitä ette sitten saaneet samaan kuvaan. o:
Mutta näytit aivan mahtavalta, ja joissain kuvissa olet vaan ihan liikaa hiden näköinen. :--D Muwwww. :3
Sit kun sä muuten juttelet sen kanssa uudestaan, et millään haluaisi kysyä kuka se kolmas hide oli? Häiritsee, kun musta tuntuu että mä tiedän sen jostain. Se kuulosti ja tuoksui tutulta. XD ...ja kuka se Kristiina ees on, kun musta sekin on kauheen tutun oloinen. o_o;;
Kristiina on meidän koulussa, se tosin oli viime vuoden vaihdossa, että en tiedä ootteko ikinä tavannet. o: Ar enkä mä ees oo nähny sitä koulussa missään vielä, ihan tyhmääää.
Comments 37
I wished I could also do things like this, first I can't sew and then ... well I will never have the patience to do that xD
Aww, maybe sometime you will! I can give you some lessons if we get to meet eachother some time and have time, if you'd like. ♥
And.. Yes, the patience was a huge problem with me, too. XD At some point I threw stuff to a wall because I got so annoyed.. O_o;
*lol* throwing stuff to walls makes you feel better, right? I wished I could also do it someties, but then all people from my flat would come totally scaried into my room and ask if I'm ok XD
and I think the third one, it looks like hide (I mean the real one and not like a cosplay of hide ... I hope you understood what I wanted to say ^.^")
Ah, I left you some comments at your older posts, maybe you have time to read them :)
Well.. it didn't. XD I just had to do it, I was so pissed. XD I came to bang my table after that, and almost broke my wrist. o_o; Then I listened some Diru, because Kyo always screams on my behalf. XD
Aww, poor you.. it really does feel good sometimes. I don't usually do it either, because.. well, my parents don't like it. >_>; Maybe some time I'll get to do it whenever I want. x3
I think I do, and I so love you for that comment. Thank you! ♥ *glomphug*
I'll go see them, I noticed them but hadn't the time to read them just yet. x3
Mutta näytit aivan mahtavalta, ja joissain kuvissa olet vaan ihan liikaa hiden näköinen. :--D Muwwww. :3
...ja kuka se Kristiina ees on, kun musta sekin on kauheen tutun oloinen. o_o;;
Ja kiitos kiitos. ♥
Mä näin sen yksi päivä käytävällä! Ei ihme että se ol niin tuttu. XD Se tuskin tunnistaa mua ihan heti. :B
Osallistuitko cosplay-kilpailuun?
En, en ehtinyt ilmoittautua. XD Enkä mä mitään sellasia jaksa.. ehkä joskus toiste.
Kiitoos~~ x3
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