Thursday...though shalt forevermore be named Squee Day

Sep 28, 2007 13:05

Thursday rocks and Supernatural hasn't even started yet this season...

Ugly Betty - Good developments all around, made me remember exactly why I love this soapy, droll writing and the excellent cast. I admit, they got me with the Santos thing, so sad. I am totally loving the Justin as Mode intern story. Hope all goes well in Betty/Henry land, he is so adorkable.

MNiE - I don't ever have much to say about this show. It makes me laugh. That's all I expect of it and I always come away satisfied. Best quote of the night "Now if we could just get you to stop walking around with your brother's shirt like a giant headed hillbilly Linus, you'll be fixed." Hee!

The Office -

PB & J (Thanks Kevin) are totally secretly dating and kissing in Pam's car at their secret carpool rendezvous spot (thank god they aren't kissing in the Parking Lot of Doom, we all know how that always ends) and holding hands and shopping for ugly lamps at estate sales and grinning at each other like morons. I might go into a hyperglycemic coma just watching them on my screen but it'll be for a worthy cause.

Oh Michael "I'm not superstitious, I'm just a little stitious" Scott, I've missed you but now that you're back you are hitting my cringe bone but good. A giant check made out to "Science", bracelets that say "Support the Rabid", fettucine alfredo before the race.... I could go on, but I won't.

Jan has reached new levels of Glenn Close stewing the bunny neuroses.

"Are you KIDDING me?!" - Kevin as the conspiracy theorist is too funny for words. Really, I'm speechless with laughter.

Dwight went all Dr. Kevorkian on Sprinkles and then he tried to move up the food chain to Meredith. This is so creepy, and yet, so Dwight.

Congratulations show you have achieved the impossible, I feel bad for the Wicked Witch of, I mean Angela.

Poor Toby. (This sentence could be copied and pasted into every episode description for the last 3 seasons)

Suck it Ryan. You deserve every minute of managerial stress that Michael is going to give you...I can't wait.


Grey's Anatomy - By the end of last season I wanted to throw things at my TV and send nasty emails to Shonda Rhimes, I have found a solution to this particular's called fast forward. Using this handy dandy device to skip through each and every annoying, whiny, goody goody Izzie moment and reduce all the GIZZIE stupidity and moping to a mere blur succeeded in almost making the season premiere good. Now if we could just kill off Lexie the way we have killed off every other Grey family member (with very little fanfare) I would almost be happy with this show again. Oh and more Derek and Mark moments please.

Next week hot boys in a hot car...yeah!
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