So basically you dreamed up some combination of Resident Evil, House of the Dead, and Half-Life, with a little Frankenstein-style populism in there.
Also, you're illustrating how just saying "statistically" makes something seem more credible. Unless you've done a survey or something. It's a nice little trick that people usually go for.
"Statistically" means Oren once told me the statistic.
I won't lie. I played a LOT of House of the Dead 4 in Austin. But I think the dream is a culmination of all the zombie media I've taken in. The part at the end where we hid from the zombies is not akin to anything in a videogame. Hiding is always an element of the movies.
i had a really vivid pregnancy dream the other night, hunger, morning sickness etc. im not sure who father was, maybe you dave, but i recall preparing myself for single motherhood so it may have been immaculate conception, which as far as im concerned is the worst kind of conception. oh well no use dwelling on what it means, other than the coincidental fact that i actually AM pregnant, with twins actually, and yep they ARE yours dave herr, although since im the one that will be carrying them for the next nine months, they will carry on the Theodoro family name, i mean...the "doe" family name because this is supposed to be anonymous...kbye.
Is House of the Dead 4 the one where you use something other than a retarded six-shooter? If it is, I think that's the only version of the game I really enjoyed. Plus, you could do cool gun-poses during movie sequences!
I didn't notice the gun poses thing, but you use a sub-machinegun. You also shake your gun to reload it. AND there are no friendlies to worry about--just bad motherfucking zombies to pop. Oren, Erez and I beat it with like 3 dollars each in Texas.
Cool gun poses meant in real life...Like holding it against your shoulder like an action hero. And no friendlies was awesome. Beat it without losing much cash in Brooklyn last year.
Comments 11
Also, you're illustrating how just saying "statistically" makes something seem more credible. Unless you've done a survey or something. It's a nice little trick that people usually go for.
I won't lie. I played a LOT of House of the Dead 4 in Austin. But I think the dream is a culmination of all the zombie media I've taken in. The part at the end where we hid from the zombies is not akin to anything in a videogame. Hiding is always an element of the movies.
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