Man. Its been way long since I logged in. I totally forgot I still have an account here. Ya 'know I kind of miss this place. Facebook is way over crowded.
Hi!! Long time no see, my friend!! I finally joined Facebook because people I knew were too lazy to send me an email when someone had a baby or died or anything like that. "oh - didn't you see it on facebook?" *sigh* Anyway. How are you? It was funny that you posted on my post about the Avengers. I know they're movie/comic book based, but Thor and Loki have inspired me to pick up the Runes again. Hope you're well. Take care! 93/93
Yeah, FB is about the catchy soundbite -- er, textbite? -- and this format seems to inspire more thoughtful essays. I resisted FB for quite a while, but then I got sucked into it rather by necessity when all the music people seemed to drift over there.
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