Ok, so claims are closed. Following are who's writing, what they're writing, and for whom. If your claim or prompt is missing, just drop a line. Check the
original claims post for your exact topic.
swythyv - stolen muggle technology in the WW for
kaskaitkaskait - Luna Lovegood and Severus Snape - compare/contrast for
inky_pawsinky_paws - wizarding fashion and the trends among the younger wizards for
redcoastredcoast - ageist dynamic in the book for
lunar_endeavorlunar_endeavor - trio: comparison between them and other "trios"/an exploration of their dynamic/both for
author_by_nightauthor_by_night - Witchcraze: presented/viewed in WW, effect on views of muggles, and historical accuracy for
flamewarrior flamewarrior - how Harry Potter borrows from mythology for
philstar22philstar22 - How RL attitudes toward homosexuality would have affected Sirius/Remus for
redcoastredcoast - marxist critique of HP for
story645story645 - Walburga Black's portrait for
swythyv Essays due September 1st, at which time we'll start another round of essays if anyone is interested.