01. Last Cigarette: never
02. Last Kiss: Tuesday
03. Last Cry: yesterday
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: Orlando by Virginia Woolf
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: Fever Pitch
06. Last Book Read: White Oleander
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: fuck or shit or damnit probably
08. Last Beverage Drank: peach iced tea
09. Last Food Consumed: spaghetti
11. Last TV Show Watched: i forget
13. Last Shoes Worn: sneakers
14. Last CD Played: Our Lady Peace
15. Last Soda Drank: Coke
16. Last Thing Written: something in English class
17. Last Words Spoken: something to my mom...
18. Last Sleep: this afternoon from about 5 - 6
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: that red stuff at cold stone that tasted like sugared crap
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: maybe about two months ago i was really depressed but i wasn't suicidal
24. Last Time Dancing: last night in the shower
26. Last Big Car Ride: to Chicago last summer
27. Last Crush: ummm my boyfriend? haha
28. Last Annoyance: being woken up for dinner
39. Last Disappointment: getting a B- on my bio test that was really easy
30. Last Time Scolded: by my mom last night
32. Last Web Site Visited: google.com
01. piercings = zero
02. tattoos = wish i had one
03. height =5'10"
04. shoe size = 11
05. hair color = brown
06. siblings = 2
01. movie you rented = Closer
02. movie you bought = Chasing Amy
03. song you listened to = Five Years - David Bowie
04. song that was stuck in your head = I'd do anything for love, but i won't do that....oh no no i won't do that....
05. cd you bought = The Offspring or that Marianne Faithfull one
06. cd you listened to = burned CD
07. person you've called = Aaron probably or Joel
08. person that's called you = Aaron
09. TV show you've watched = reeeeeeeeeepeat
10. person you were thinking of = Joel actually because I'm listening to David Bowie and he always reminds me of Joel
11. friend you made = no idea
01. you have a crush on some one = of course
02. you wish you could live somewhere else = GOD YES!!!!!!!
03. you think about suicide = yeah but i'm not suicidal if that makes sense
04. you believe in online dating = i believe in meeting someone online but if your whole relationship consists of typing and the occasional phone call then no
05. others find you attractive = a few randomly do
06. you want more piercings = OW!
07. you drink = nooope
08. you do drugs = naaah, i'm too paranoid about my parents finding out
09. you smoke = ewwww no
10. you like cleaning = eh
11. you like roller coasters = LOVE them
12. you write in cursive or print = print but cursive is fun
+ long distance relationships.. if you can somehow make it work then sure but i could never do one
+ suicide = i can see why someone would want to but if anyone i know tried to I'd still try to stop them of course
+ killing people = depends.....
+ teenage smoking = against
+ doing drugs = for (marijuana), against (the harder stuff)
+ driving drunk = could anyone really be for that?
+ soap operas = if you want to waste your day watching them then its your choice
+ thing to do = mwuah mwuah mwuah mwuah
+ thing to talk about = sex, perverse things, politics, religion
+ sports = shuffle board
+ drinks = milkshake
+ clothes = jeans, and t-shirt
+ movies = uhhhh none
+ singer = Madonna
+ holiday = Easters always pleasant...
+ ever cried over a girl = maybe
+ ever cried over a boy = yeah
+ ever lied to some.. haha oooooooo yeah
+ ever been in a fist fight = it happens
+ ever been arrested = not yet....hehe
+ shampoo do you use = whatever smells the best
+ are you scared of = not leaving michigan, loosing hope, conservatives
.. of times you have been in love? = i have no idea
.. of times you have had your heart broken? = zero
.. of hearts you have broken? = i hope none
.. of girls you have kissed? = three
.. of boys you have kissed? = 11, i think that's it hehe
.. of drugs taken illegally? = none :(
.. of people you would classify as true, could trust with your life type friends? = three?
.. of people you consider your enemies? = none, i can't hate someone for long
.. of times your name has appeared in the newspaper? = probably at least once
.. of scars on your body? = one
.. of things in your past that you regret? = a few things, nothing too big