Was thinking of you today. Found an old lj entry of yours that I'd printed out to read at home. I was trying to sort through the pile of papers that I've accumulated over the past year+ and figure out what to discard. Been feeling overwhelmed lately with plans to leave this crazy place that I've grown to consider, in some ways, 'home'. I dramatically told a friend today that I feel like a part of my body is being ripped off. Every time I mention leaving to someone and they respond with "but you will come back?" or "ah ah, we will miss you!" I have to put a stop to the conversation else I burst into tears. So it goes. Thinking of seeing such good friends as yourself eases the discomfort somewhat. Perhaps we will see each other soon(ish), that is if I don't go completely mad and try to find work here, which I know is just a silly dream. Until we meet again ...
Good luck w/ the transition, Zeebot... I hope to see you when (if? ;>) you are back in Ottawa... Where I, obviously, still AM, having not left in, like, forever, errr......
Comments 4
Just wanted to say that i hope you are well...may the fairies of "speed up and pin down" find you easily!
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