I mean this question literally.
This book, formatted for the appropriate size, is 600 pages. According to Lulu's estimates, Devourer on the cheap paper would cost $15 per unit to print. (This, friends, is what we get for not buying in bulk.) They recommend a retail price of $30. I myself would be perfectly happy at negligible profit margins, since I
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Comments 19
I (as a consumer) might be willing to shell out that much, but it would have to be Especially captivating or usefull for a single book.
I vaugely recall you mentioning valid and important reasons why it couldn't be broken up into smaller chunks or multiple books, which might lower your fees. But it's been some time ago and I don't remember exactly.
I did look again at the option of splitting it in half, since there is actually a "book one" and "book two" in there. Going from the projected prices, it doesn't save the buyer any money (it comes out to $10-15 twice rather than $20-30 once), although it does spread it out, and gives you a chance to opt out if part one leaves you cold. But if you are engaged by then, you're not left in a place you're really comfortable resting for long, just at a sort of pause.
I have no answer for the fee, though, because I don't know squat about usual costs.
I did run the journal for the FoI, and I am doing the formatting myself, along with a friend who knows the relevant programs. Other than my pretty pretty cover, I can keep my cost close to nil. Likewise, because I have a ready market to start from and no particular reason to care if it grows beyond that or not, I doubt I'll spend on marketing. Lulu provides an IBSN for free, so if I offer PoD, I only have to pay if I want Ingram and brick-and-mortar stores to carry it.
So my main concern here is the per-item printing cost, and what that does to unit price. Playing with Lulu's calculator I was able to massage it down from $20 to $15; I was wondering if anyone knew of a cheaper way out that still made for a decent book, or if this is really just the price range everyone doing indie publishing has to deal with.
I'd buy the book because it's you, but it'd be hard for me to recommend it to most people since $20 is a lot to pay for a paperback and this economy isn't supporting that kind of luxury for most people. It'd truly be a vanity printing. If you did do it, we could set up a matching eBook that you email to buyers so they get the Printed one and the eBook version. That would probably be a stronger bet for sales as it would cost you nothing to make the eBook (we'd do it with my license) and nothing to email it. Then people will see they're getting two books for the price of one and one is conveniently set up to go everywhere with them.
That's my two cents.
But yeah, see, $20-30 is a lot to ask on a writer one doesn't know, especially when one can buy a book by a known author for half that. I'm mostly considering it just because I think I know several people who still don't read ebooks.
Even though I'd like to say I'd get it because it's yours, I probably wouldn't (at least not for a long time). I'm being glad I got the latest Mira Grant before we found out about Robin's job, because now the entertainment and luxury budgets are $0, and likely to stay that way for quite a while.
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