May 13, 2008 22:14
Iblis said:
"What will be my book?"
The Divine Answer came:
"Your writing will be to tattoo; your reciting will be poetry; your messengers will be the fortune-tellers and astrologists...; your truth will be falsehood..; your net (to ensnare) will be women; your muezzin will be the musical instruments, and your musjid will be the market-place."
Early Evening, Day 13.
For a space of time I have walked the earth, but now I have returned to my tower, a thin white line in the gathering dark. Below me the town glitters. I had itched with impatient desire to wreak havoc, but I would not cast it down on this town, not when this is a long game I will not ruin. Instead I took myself through the air and brought pain to another place. And for now I am refreshed.
My guards tell me that there has been one to visit me. A smile tugs at my lips when they tell me what name he has sought me under. Sugaar. It has been some time since I have heard that one. I did not know that any of those gods still walked the earth; their faith is so long gone that I supposed they had diminished and fallen into mortality and then inevitable death. To be a being who is kept alive through faith is not a very promising destiny; to rely on mortals is revolting. But this is someone who I will be glad to see. Unlike the other - and for a moment I close my eyes, remembering his flickering darkness, the smell of blood and flame - he is not ashamed of who he is, I do not think. Not if he seeks me willingly.
I make myself a new form for the occasion. I stand almost seven foot high, and my hair crackles with fire. I wear only a loincloth, but around my chest crawls a tattoo of a great snake. I do not do this to intimidate my guest; rather, I know that he is an old god, and he will expect that I wear an old form to greet him. I survey myself in the mirror and smile. It has been a while since I wore the trappings of power, and from time to time it pleases me.
Then I move to the window, and knowing he will hear his name wherever he is, I breathe out one word.
[open to Gaueko.]