Jun 07, 2008 15:54
Just after dark, Day 21
I know damned well that Sugaar is going to rake me over hot coals when he finally gets his hands on me, so I see no reason to rush back to the tower yet. I figure I have until tomorrow evening before he starts looking for me, and I might as well do my best to curry some favour before I go, and in that spirit I make my way across the bridge to the Carnival.
I don't actually know how far Sugaar managed to get with him last night. From the way he was panting after him it looked promising, but you never know. Anyway, when I met with him last he told me specifically to go after him and work him over. I'm following orders.
The Carnival is all lights and crowds and frying food and screams. Carnivals at night are wonderful things; a weird mixture of innocence and perversion, mirth and horror, threat and sanctuary. You have the families with young children strolling past the predators in the shadows, the young men with their dates and the old lechs looking for the girly shows, the brightly-coloured rides that could mean death from one loose gear, the trained animals that are beaten and whipped and starved behind closed doors, the carnies who smile and take your money while plotting how to get your girlfriend into a dark alley. I love carnivals. I could wander here all night, if I wasn't on a mission.
Doesn't take me long to get the sense of him. Not even in human form; he still smells like the hot, wet wind from the jungle, blood steaming on stone, leather armor gashed by many weapons. He's on the living lot, in amongst the jumble of tents and trailers that the carnies call home. It's not hard to duck the guards, slip in amongst the many shadows and find him, leaning on a battered truck and smoking a cigarette.
"Yohualli Èecatl," I say with a smile.
[OPEN to Tez]