Jul 08, 2008 20:34
July 1, just after sunset
Voronin Estate
Going out going out going out! Daddy said I could go see Anushka and her garden if he came with me so we're going!
We had to wait till after dinner because there were still people outside the Boy shouting and waving signs but they always go away around dinnertime. But that's all right because it makes it almost like a real grownup nighttime visit. It's almost dark out, even!
All the way out of town and down the pretty paths where the wild roses grow - they have hips, that's what Glass said! - and far out almost into the country, farther out than I've been for ages and ages, holding tight to Daddy's hand and skipping to keep up.
Anushka's house is even bigger than I remembered and the wall around it is even higher. We go right up to the gate and I'm not sure if we should knock because who would hear it way out here but it isn't polite to go in without knocking. Daddy opens the gate but I knock on it a little anyway and go in after him.
"Anushka?" I call, looking around to see if she's hiding.
[Open to Koneko, Gaueko, and Anushka]
!adult content: violence,