The rain runs down.

Jul 24, 2008 15:19

[Early evening, Tuesday, July 7 (day 37)]
[Out towards the Voronin Estate]

The day had a fever, today.

One long slick swelter, with the sun sweating through from behind the clouds, and come mid-morning, the clouds went the ill green colour of a fading bruise and the sky howled. Hail--hail, in high summer--and leaves and branches stripped right off trees and sent skittering down the street, and the growl and crack of a lightning storm. I shuttered the Apothecary and stood in the doorway, watching Excolo shaken like a rabbit in the teeth of a hound.

I think something burnt, out towards the edge of town. The light was flickering out that way, but in the wind and storm I couldn't make out smoke nor detail. Glad enough of the Apothecary's stone, cool and steady.

It all feels unhappily honest. This town is odd and I've always known that, taken its quiet truth, but there are changes coming in its bones and breath. The dead don't rest easy, fetches walk, gods talk of and breathe darkness.

The storm's blown out and I'm near to closing up before I'm given word of a handful of bodies, strangers to town as far as anyone can say. None of them quite whole. None of them with anyone to mind them. The itch of murder is going to be crawling beneath my skin for hours if not days, I think.

I went home--back to the Tavern--before heading out to meet Wanda. So that we can go out and see the flax-and-bone madgirl, to find word of fetch or monster or whatever stole my face and used it to cut Iago open, in the place where the Shuck's taken up residence.

Damn right I'm bringing Adyn with me, tucked up small and purple in my gathering bag.

The walk's not so bad. A touch quiet. There's hail grimed into the shadows under the trees, pale little oddity that hasn't finished melting away yet. I glance over at Wanda as we approach Anushka's house, feeling slow dread rise in my throat for all that there's still light streaked across the sky.

"Lovely weather we've been having of late."

[Open to Wanda, Anushka, and Gaueko (fun times!)]

gaueko, wanda, anushka, glass

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