oh dear.
I swear I’ve seen this movie before. Oh yeah, it was called Star Wars: A New Hope. There’s the likable but lying rogue, the adorable ‘bot carrying the McGuffin, the beautiful innocent learning the Force, the ritual torture to obtain the All Important Diagram, the older but wiser guide, the Daddy Issues and father/son confrontation on an Improbably Tall Piece of Architecture and subsequent fall (okay, that's The Empire Strikes Back they're stealing from there), the planet destroyer with the critical flaw...jeez, I could go on. I was bored out of my freaking mind. I am grateful to Abrams for not casting all white male actors in the leads, but I could really have done without the direct Nazi imagery (storm troopers are Nazi enough without going for a Swastika-esque symbol and making them sieg heil), and I didn't need to actually *see* the torture the first go-round. It only served a purpose when Rey resisted so beautifully. Just like Princess Leia did in the original Star Wars.
I won't even talk about how utterly ridiculous the map puzzle piece thing was. The whole movie had plot holes you could drive a Star Destroyer through. I don't know who that Gollum/Voldemort fellow was, but he added a fantasy genre layer of incongruity that was one step too far for me. Once they brought out the Nazis I was begging for it to be over already. Unfortunately, there was still another 45 excruciating minutes to go, and it was all too predictable what would happen.
D+ on this one. Why do they keep giving beloved franchises to this jerk? The only thing I enjoyed about this movie was Chewbacca bitching at everyone. Everything else was a total rehash or utterly contrived. Not that Chewbacca doesn't bitch at Han constantly in A New Hope, but it never, ever gets old.
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