Bandom, Supernatural, CW RPS, Boondock Saints and Pirates of the Caribbean fic
Disclaimer for all works listed here: Written for entertainment purposes only. No harm or copyright infringement intended. No money, no sue.
Panic! at the Disco & The Young Veins
For bandom fic please see my page on AO3 - Hello, I'm too tired to smile todayRating: G | 2236 words | Summary: Spencer just wants to go home. He ends up in Chicago. This is not a coincidence.
I tried my best by youRating: R for language | ficlet | Summary: Five shirts Spencer wore
15 comment ficlets; spn gen, wincest and J2 CW RPS
Three conversations and a bar sceneRating: R | 1596 words| Summary: Jensen gets scared. Jared tells a lie.
There's thunder in my heartRating: NC-17 | 3366 words | Summary: It's not what Jensen thinks it is.
Give me a flow chart to live by 05/13/08
Rating: Pg-13 | 1934 words | Summary: Jensen gathers knowledge about Jared
Counting to eleven as it collapses 05/22/08
Rating: PG-13 | 7269 words | Summary: Jared is floundering, and Jensen is a douche.
co-authored with
rei_c The one with the cowsA little over 200 words of J2 silliness, with a little bit of emo.
Shine On |
Part One |
Part TwoRating: NC-17 | 16,069 words | Summary: After a painful separation in university Jared and Jensen meet again under very different circumstances. Jensen is an up and coming film director and Jared is a successful public relations executive with a secret.
Jensen is a good boyfriend. No, really.Rating: R for language | 1500 words | Summary: Pretty much exactly what the title says.
Gen fic
NOTE: Escape is at hand for the travellin' man - Deleted as of 06/22/09. Thank you to all who commented on the story and I apologize to those who wish to read it, it is no longer available.
Spoonful of Sugar (WIP)
Rating: PG-13 | Summary: Pre-series; The Winchesters investigate a santero who is summoning demons in Hialeah, Florida.
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Part 2/
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Part 5 The Relative Quality of Dean's DeodorantCategory: h/c, silliness | 1973 words | Summary: Sam should have let Dean vaporize the pixie nest.
Glad TidingsSummary: It's Christmas 2007 and John, Dean, and Sam are hunting for a ghost in Colorado that doesn't exist, AU | 3812 words |
Tonight I Run| 3763 words | Summary: Written for spn_halloween, prompt 165. The Winchesters in Detroit for Devil's Night, trying to finish a hunt among the chaos.
Raising the Dead by NumbersRating: PG-13 | 4544 words | Summary: Sam comes home.
No BraveryRating: R for language | 2070 words | Summary: post 3×13 Sam breaks down and Dean can't cope.
get ready to live with it| 917 words | Summary: It’s Sam’s birthday, but he doesn’t know it. no spoilers for finale
the last week of Dean’s deal in minute detailSummary: In 550 words how Sam doesn't cope and Dean fails to notice. no spoilers for finale
consult the book of armaments| 1238 words | Summary: Sam is sick, but the stubborn bastard won't admit it.
Here it was that I reached out to you| Rating: R for language | 1042 words| Summary: coda to 4X01.
Don't try to fight our Chicago luck| Rating: R | 2058 words | Summary: coda to 4X07 written for
buffyaddict13 Sam/Dean fic
Sinnerman, Where You Gonna Run To?Category: Wincest, schmoop, porn | 1955 words | Summary: Dean thinks Sam needs a vacation.
Paperwhites in bloomRating: R | 3125 words | Summary: Sam gets the point, he just doesn't listen.
You gotta live a little bit faster (The Barry Gibb talk show remix)Rating: NC-17 | Summary: Snapshots of Sam and Dean from season three. Written for
kamikazeremix Seven takes of the same old sceneRating: R | 4060 words | Summary: pre-series weecest written for
keepaofthecheez Sam/Other fic
A Passion Play For YouCategory: Pre-series, Stanford, porn | Pairing: Sam/OMC, Sam/Jess | 3573 words | Summary: Jess wants to watch
Boondock Saints
Fell Face DownPairing: None
Rating: PG
Summary: Pre-movie, Connor’s keeping secrets, and Murphy just wants to help.
United/Divided Series
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Summary: Post-movie, Connor and Murphy struggle to adapt to their father’s presence.
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Part 4 Pirates of the Caribbean
Coming in from the coldPairing: Jack/Will
Rating: R
Summary: Finally arriving
The MothPairing: Jack/Will
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Written for a J/W Ficathon, for Sparrow's Blackbird, who requested a fic where Will leaves Elizabeth and Jack wants to show him the world. I just want to say at this point that this fic got out of control so fast that I'm still looking for the bus that hit me.