I'm in a fandom/writing phase right now. Unfortunately they only occur when I have a lot of work to do and lot of things to write for university. I don't know why, but it's always been like this. Stress and pressure obviously trigger my writing instincts. Unfortunately though, not my academic writing instincts. Damn. ;)
Ah, I usually only get into fandom/writing phases when I'm low-stress (this becomes marginally apparent when you map my school year against my AO3 output, and take into account the fact that my last semester was extremely stressful). Which I suppose is okay as long as I'm only doing it as a hobby, but if I ever want to be a professional writer I guess I'll have to want it bad enough to get out of that pattern.
Comments 2
I'm in a fandom/writing phase right now. Unfortunately they only occur when I have a lot of work to do and lot of things to write for university. I don't know why, but it's always been like this. Stress and pressure obviously trigger my writing instincts. Unfortunately though, not my academic writing instincts. Damn. ;)
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