Title: Well Done, Lad Pairing: Alan Smith/Roy Keane Rating: PG-13 Author’s Notes/Disclaimer: Set somewhere in 2005 and written from Alan’s POV. Also, most likely not true. 100 words.
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I don't even know what got into me! As I just replied to Trisha's comment, I was kind of aware that Keano existed before, and now I'm proper intrigued by him. (and yes, I kind of want to continue in that 100-word-fashion. omg. even with Secret Santa in mind. Do you take part, as well?)
*bounces* ♥ Thanks for your backup (= lovely feedback)! LOL mafia.
It's very comforting to know that you were kind of aware that Keano existed. ;D Nah, seriously, I think he's not an easy character to write - I would never ever dare to do it - but insane people like me who'd probably sell her parents to meet him actually long for some Keano love. (I don't. I don't feel comfortable enough with my writing at all. I tried it twice and I know you girls loved it, but I didn't. Not really. And being forced to write something probably isn't the best idea for me, I'm afraid. But I'm looking forward to what you'll come up with.)
You're very, very welcome, my love. &hearts *throws some broccoli*
That's one of those occasions when I kind of curse not being interested in United earlier. Or to be born earlier, for that matter XD...*pets Keano* I wonder if angry!sex is the only thing one could write him into, or if he actually has a softer side. Grrrh.
Omgz, if I ever see Keano driving around York, I'll jump in front of his car and get him for you. LOL. And probably question him a bit, as well. "Mr Keano, can you please tell me, what would you do if you suddenly noticed you quite liked Alan Smith? Honestly?" GAH.
(And also, can I just have a little flail for Wes in that pic? *little flail* Weee!)
If I may have a medium flail for your icon in return? *medium flail* WEEE!
I know, it's evil :( - and I will continue, I just thought I'd better take this slow, for I've never written Roy (or this pairing, for that matter) before! and to be honest, i probably would have forgotten about it if i hadn't posted the first little bit now.
I'm actually intrigued by this pairing......very much so. Same here! :P
Comments 27
He knows that; releases the tight grip on your shoulder. A sharp hiss catches in your throat.
Keano doesn’t leave, but looks at you, and this time, there’s no staring, no anger.
(especially since i've been in a keano mood all week - this is just the perfect thing to go along with everything. hee)
You too? XD It's weird. OMG A KEANO FLU!1! noes.
So glad you like, especially since I've never written that pairing before! ♥
I don't even know what got into me! As I just replied to Trisha's comment, I was kind of aware that Keano existed before, and now I'm proper intrigued by him. (and yes, I kind of want to continue in that 100-word-fashion. omg. even with Secret Santa in mind. Do you take part, as well?)
*bounces* ♥ Thanks for your backup (= lovely feedback)! LOL mafia.
It's very comforting to know that you were kind of aware that Keano existed. ;D Nah, seriously, I think he's not an easy character to write - I would never ever dare to do it - but insane people like me who'd probably sell her parents to meet him actually long for some Keano love. (I don't. I don't feel comfortable enough with my writing at all. I tried it twice and I know you girls loved it, but I didn't. Not really. And being forced to write something probably isn't the best idea for me, I'm afraid. But I'm looking forward to what you'll come up with.)
You're very, very welcome, my love. &hearts *throws some broccoli*
Omgz, if I ever see Keano driving around York, I'll jump in front of his car and get him for you. LOL. And probably question him a bit, as well. "Mr Keano, can you please tell me, what would you do if you suddenly noticed you quite liked Alan Smith? Honestly?" GAH.
especially this : He smells like a footballer, too, of grass and sweat and aggression.
luverlyyyyy :D.
Bottle with Keano smell is on its way. afnasndf. ;D
i can't belive you stopped here though
Love your icon, too! :P
Gah! How evil to stop there...you have to continue!! :p I'm actually intrigued by this pairing......very much so.
(And also, can I just have a little flail for Wes in that pic? *little flail* Weee!)
If I may have a medium flail for your icon in return? *medium flail* WEEE!
I know, it's evil :( - and I will continue, I just thought I'd better take this slow, for I've never written Roy (or this pairing, for that matter) before! and to be honest, i probably would have forgotten about it if i hadn't posted the first little bit now.
I'm actually intrigued by this pairing......very much so.
Same here! :P
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