Title: How Alan Made Gaz Listen To That Rap Crap
Pairing: Alan/Gary
Rating: PG
Warnings: Rap Crap, Oneshot
Disclaimer: Don't own them. :( Inspired by Gary's LJ name.
Summary: The title pretty much says it all...
Author's Notes: This really tiny ficlet came about tonight; it's really very short, but still better than the emptiness that occupied my brain
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Comments 21
My two favourite players as well. ^^
''Alan emerged from the bathroom, dripping wet and with nothing but a white towel slung around his waist''
And sigh, I really wished they forbid Alan to wear shirts. XD
And oh yes that would be a fantastic rule :D
LOL, I've pictured us in the city right now, running after pedestrians and asking them to sign our letter to the FA. omgz crazy. XD
Gaz' attention was entirely focused on Alan Smith, who was sitting in a chair nearby, relaxedly nodding along to the rhythm and doing - things (click, click, click click) with his tongue
can you blame poor ol'gaz? :o now thats the thing that will come to mind everytime i hear drop it like its hot. Not that i usually listen to it. but GAH. that is hot. *turns on drop it like its hot*
I love Alan/Gaz :D thank you for writing them.
and this : But then, Alan emerged from the bathroom, dripping wet and with nothing but a white towel slung around his waist. Grinning, twisting and clicking his tongue in that - incredible manner (click, click), he climbed onto the the bed and - oh.
now that measures the death of any fangirl!
btw, *looks at your icon and nods frantically* very yes so. ;D
saving, of course. ♥ lovely work, my love.
thats basically all it takes to turn my face an united-shirt matching colour. hehe ^____^ thanks so much for the lovely comment! *loves* ♥
ahaha. gaz listing "alan's tongue" under 'interests' in his profile. you gotta fit them into an 'I like _____' sentence, remember? ;P
But Im with Gaz on this one, rap is crap!
*grins, too* Thank you! :)
well, it is. mostly. i mean, drop it like its hot stuck to my brain because of that click, click thingie which is sort of...memorable XD but otherwise? nothx.
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