So I wrote this because I was bored as hell and thought it'd be cool to have a TV Tropes page based on all the AUs my friends and I come up with. So here's a compilation of some of the tropes I have found for my character Tori (essentially me). I want to do one for everybody but...I can't do it all on my own, so use mine as an example!
- Adorkable: Has animal-themed or food-themed possessions, blushes rather easily and stutters around her crushes, tends to be naively optimistic at times, wears glasses, keeps a list of favorite words, collects stuffed animals on a regular basis, completely oblivious to her accent-really there’s a lot of contributing factors.
- Hates to be called cute however as she feels it means others deem her to be weak.
- Animal Motifs: She’s most often associated with cats as not only has her personality been compared to one, but she’s especially overprotective of felines since many people have misconceptions about them. Bunnies, octopi, giraffes, and turtles are also the main animals associated with her. You might even say dinosaurs count as she is particularly fond of them and her planet Land of Oasis and Frogs has velociraptors as the inhabitants.
- Berserk Button: May God have mercy on your soul if you think harming her family or friends is completely okay, especially if they’re innocent of a conflict you try to bring them in to. The end result will be disastrous. It doesn't help that she already has a short temper to begin with.
- Don’t even think about harming a hair on Kandy or Dirk’s head because you will get punched right in the kisser, or worse. She is especially protective over them.
- Pokemon/animal torture and mistreatment is a huge berserk button for her as well.
- This extends to the magical creatures in the Hogwarts-verse.
- Beware The Nice Ones: Tori has had experience of people taking advantage of her good-natured personality in the distant past, so the moment she finds somebody abuses it in current times, you better pray for the slim chances of only receiving a brief rant.
- Celibate Hero: Like Kandy, Tori falls under this trope. She doesn’t particularly care for a romantic relationship with anyone as she’d rather focus on her objective such as becoming the Pokemon Master or winning the game of Sburb, though she’s not completely against the idea. She just doesn’t deem it to be important enough to put at the top of her list of priorities.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: Whenever she gets one of these, you can be sure it’s a foreshadowing that mischief will be afoot. And if you’re her next target, find somewhere to
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Most of the time she puts others before herself, so Tori will constantly wear herself thin trying to assist everyone in need. This could be due to the fact that she wants to feel useful to everyone and feels inadequate about herself if she can’t lend her aide to somebody, or because it’s just a natural reflex. This usually has negative effects on her as she becomes stressed to the point of tears but refuses to give up and if she’s not able to help an individual, she will beat herself up about it.
- Covert Pervert: She may be a prude sometimes, she may speak in a polite manner most of the time, and she may look innocent, but nobody has yet to find her stash of R-18 yaoi doujinshi or have the knowledge that her favorite rating of fanfics are of the M variety. Not to mention the way she teases some of her friends…
- Tori: Damn Cody, look at what you got, an animal in bed. I’m sure Aomine is like a jaguar and very feral. Gonna bust out the hat and whip like an animal tamer aren’t you? Cody the animal tamer and Aomine the jet blue jaguar are gonna rumble and tumble. He’s out on the prowl in the middle of the night awaiting for his master to come and tame him.
- Crazy Prepared: In her wiki sylladex, she carries just about anything from food, to first aide, to an extra pair of undergarments, to dinosaur fossils. Because she carries so many useful and frivolous objects and comes prepared to virtually every situation, the team depends on her for assistance when it concerns material necessities as she’s bound to have what they’re looking for.
- This applies especially to Pokemon-verse as she wants to make sure she always has every type of medicine for her companions and anything necessary for a successful journey.
- Cute Bruiser: Her innocent appearance is deceitful as she can very much kick your ass with little to no effort, at least as time progresses in certain AUs.
- Deadpan Snarker: Can be this at times, especially when she’s in a bad mood. It may or may not borderline on Jerkass depending on who she’s speaking with. If she’s awoken rudely or very hungry, her crankiness ups this trope by a whopping ten levels.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Though she doesn’t take it to extremes, she likes to prove her worth so if she gets assistance when she doesn’t ask for it, she’ll become upset. She wants to prove she can be independent, a case of “I want to help, not be helped.”
- Fetish: REALLY likes tall guys. And accents, particularly British or Spanish.
- Friendly Rivalry: Tori and Kandy have a friendly rivalry when it comes to Pokemon battling, though Kandy has yet to win against her.
- Gary wishes their rivalry was like this.
- Friend to All Living Things: Absolutely adores nearly every species of animals, and even the ones she’s not particularly fond of such as spiders or sharks, she will refuse to harm them. Animals feel naturally inclined to approach her and she’s the least afraid of befriending one, so they will sometimes follow her around which she finds endearing.
- Becomes insanely upset with Sasha or anybody else who thinks an animal’s suffering is funny or deserved, whether they’re fond of them or not.
- Don’t even try to argue with her that a certain species is evil because you will not win.
- This extends to Pokemon as she loves all types and species indiscriminately and can’t stand people who belittle a certain group of them or deem them unworthy for praise and affection.
- Friend to Bugs: Tori adores Bug types and tries hard to make people understand how great they are. She gets angry if people aren’t willing to give them a chance. Her favorites are her Heracross named Hercules, her Volcarona named Corona, and her Galvantula named Circuit.
- Her best subject at Hogwarts is Care of Magical Creatures for this very reason.
- Guns Akimbo: Her main strife specibus in Homestuck-verse is shotgunKind. She also has a paintball gun and two pistols at her disposal, among other variations. Ironically enough, she was afraid of firearms when she was younger.
- Gut Feeling: She gets these a lot and is almost always right about them, but not always to her liking.
- Hates Being Touched: If given physical contact without permission, expect for your face to have a date with her fist or at least a slap in the arm. When she’s thrown into a mood, she especially hates physical affection.
- Dirk does this to annoy her.
- She makes an exception for people she’s extremely close to, like Kandy and Red.
- Because she falls under this trope, sometimes it's difficult for her to even show physical affection as well, most notably by the adult relatives in her life who wish she'd give more hugs out of the blue.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Is this with Kandy. She teases her and calls her “my wife” and in turn Kandy will refer to her as “my husband”, but they both know it’s not to be taken seriously. Their closeness is sometimes played for laughs with other characters shipping them, such as anonymous bystanders or the ever exclusive for a few episodes, Ryan. If either girl is threatened, expect the other to be on your back in a matter of seconds.
- Jack-of-All-Trades: Doesn’t consider herself particularly outstanding at anything, but can do everything to varying degrees.
- Meganekko: Fits this trope rather nicely. Wears glasses in just about every AU, except for Pokemon and One Piece.
- The Movie Buff: Man does she love watching movies and going to the cinema. She has liked every single movie she’s ever watched, even if others thought they were horrible. She even collects all the ticket stubs. Her favorite genres in particular are comedy, animation, and adventure. Bonus points if it’s a combination of all three.
- She gets along well with John and Jake because of this, and on occasion, Karkat.
- Nobody Calls Me Chicken: She really hates being called a coward and will take you up on the challenge, so long as it doesn't endanger the lives of other people. Most of time she'll succeed, making sure you walk away with your tail in between your legs. The times she doesn't, she won't care as she has the attitude, "I tried my absolute best, so shut the fuck up."
- No Sympathy: Has shades of this, especially towards people who continuously pity themselves or people whose actions aren’t justifiable in her perspective. Doesn't mean she can't be sympathetic or empathetic, because she can, sometimes a whole lot, but there's a line she will draw if someone tries to take advantage of this. If you cross it, you'll always mistake it for Lack of Empathy due to your own ignorance of not knowing that manipulating people's emotions is not okay.
- Tori: Don’t you dare play me for a fool. I give empathy and sympathy to people who need it, not people who want it.
- Older Than They Look: Is constantly mistaken to be a few years younger than she actually is, but it could be due to genetics or that she dresses age appropriate. A lack of care for wearing make-up may also be another one. Tori fails to realize this is actually a good thing.
- Opposites Attract: Cannot stand cocky people like Gary who don’t raise Pokemon in a loving manner, but his Character Development causes her to see him in a different light later in the story. In reverse, he doesn’t like proud people who refuse help or those with short tempers that can’t relax, which is what Tori does at times, but she too gets some nice Character Development as the story in Pokemon-verse progresses. Eventually they end up falling for each other, though Gary has secretly always felt this way since childhood.
- Nobody anticipated Kagami would crush on Tori, and vice-versa since they’re sort of on different sides of the spectrum, except Cody became very perceptive of this early on.
- Pink Means Feminine: Holy shit does she love pink, as many the material possessions she owns are in this color. She’s picky about the values though.
- She loves all colors in general but tries to stay away from too much black since she finds it to be depressing.
- Pirate: At least in her own little fantasy world, but her Homestuck-verse theme is more or less based off of this, her default outfit resembling a pirate crew member’s attire, specifically her shirt which has red horizontal stripes and that her symbol is a skull with crossbones.
- Though she is fully aware of the precise definition of a pirate, she prefers to look at them in the romanticized view the entertainment industry has fed the public.
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Is the captain of a crew in One Piece-verse, but they don’t do the standard pillaging and plundering. They’re in it for the adventure and assist people in need, at least those who don't want to turn them in to the Marines.
- Plain Jane: Genuinely doesn’t consider herself beautiful or ugly, but thinks she’s nothing special when it comes to physical appearance. If she thinks about it too hard, she tends to cry. Her self-esteem takes a blow whenever it’s brought up, especially since she’s never had a romantic partner, which then makes her believe not only is she average physically, but that something is wrong with her entire personality, which is why no guy wants to be in a relationship with her.
- This frustrates her friends and family as they all genuinely view her as beautiful in more ways than one. Because she doesn’t like to annoy them, she makes it a habit to transition away from this topic if it’s ever brought up.
TT: You really need to stop this shit. Physical appearance isn’t the most important thing in the world Tori.
TC: But it’s one of the biggest factors that contributes to a person becoming attracted to the other, and I just don’t have it. I never have.
TT: I beg to differ. You are in fact beautiful in a variety of ways, so I really wish you’d cease with devaluing yourself.
TC: You’re only saying that because you’re my best friend. Can we please move on to a different topic?
TT: Sure.
- Plucky Girl: She is the most cheerful and hopeful out of the rest of the group and goes into even the direst of situations with a positive outlook. She’s capable of being realistically optimistic as much as naively optimistic. The downside is that she finds it hard to tolerate overly pessimistic people and will berate them for it if it gets too irritating for her liking.
- On occasion she’ll have a breakdown when she is feeling too stressed out, such as in Homestuck-verse where, as the designated Space player of her session, she’s responsible for the breeding of the Universe Frog and its protection, among other things. It doesn’t help that her sprite obliviously made the whole situation sound like her problem and if she failed, every single person in her Sburb session will die. Though when she finally loses it, he realizes his mistake and calms her down. When she does, she gets right back up again and her self-doubt disappears, turning her into a Determinator once again.
- In Pokemon-verse when she’s left for dead in the middle of nowhere by Team Plasma, she has another one as she isn’t at all prepared for a dire situation, but her Pokemon give her encouragement and assurance that there’s a way out so long as she tries to find it.
- Poster Gallery Bedroom: Has posters of anime and video game characters up on her walls in Homestuck-verse and Kuroko no Basket-verse. She also loves posters of animals, dinosaurs, and dragons so those decorate her walls as well.
- The Prankster: Boy does she love to tease, trick, prank, and joke around with people she’s close to. She enjoys laughing at them when they get flustered, but she has her boundaries and won’t go so far as to make them cry or harm them.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: When she’s had the last straw with Sasha’s superficiality and overall attitude in Pokemon-verse, she gives her one of these.
- Shapeshifting: She’s a Metamorphagus in the Hogwarts-verse and loves to use it for other’s amusement or to make herself look more eccentric, though all she does is alter her hair and eye color on weekends as she’s comfortable with her natural appearance.
- Shipper On Deck: John/Kandy is her OTP of all OTPs. And she makes sure everyone knows it. She even writes fanfics about them. And shares.
- Does this with Cody and Kalie as well concerning Aomine and Murasakibara.
- When she learns of the Alternian trolls and their general behavior towards each other specifically, she begins to ship them as well, much to Karkat’s dismay.
- Okay really, if she can find any sort of couple plausible, she will more than likely ship them.
- Sleepyhead: Sleeps a lot and at the most inconvenient of times simply because she’s bored or lazy. Kandy finds it her job to wake her up more often than not and scolds her for it.
- Shout Out: In Homestuck-verse after recovering from her initial shock upon landing in LoOaF, the dialogue box says, "You're not going to give up now, because you're going to be the pirate queen someday! And pirates never give up!" This is a reference to the protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, in the manga One Piece, her favorite series. One of her outfits that she alchemized is green and classy, which is similar to the one the Once-ler wore when he became a greedy corporate executive in the 2012 film adaption of The Lorax, and her kernelsprite she created to become Oncesprite, which ironically enough does not end well for her. The various robotic animals around her abode and how they all have a specific weapon, personality, and nickname is a reference to Pokemon.
- Smart People Wear Glasses: Tori considers herself knowledgeable in subjects she cares to learn about and is average in everything else, but her intelligence is undermined by her self-esteem issues and knows a lot more than she’d admit, and sometimes, more than she thinks. Many of her friends consider her very rational and level-headed and learn a lot from her, even if she forgets she taught them something. Usually her intelligence is demonstrated in subtleties where a character will point out what she said was "good thinking" or where one would revere her as somebody with a lot of brains. She enjoys learning for the sake of expanding her knowledge of the world around her and her manner of speaking can sometimes stun individuals who don’t have an advanced word bank, but she will happily explain in a non-condescending manner anything they don’t understand. After all, knowledge is power!
- Sophisticated as Hell: Speaks and types rather formally with an advanced vocabulary most of the time, but she’s unware of it. She’ll only curse if she’s extremely angry.
- She's also very organized, polite, and proper, at least most of the time.
- Spicy Latina: Can be this at times.
- Stock Superpowers: Ever since ascending to God Tier in Homestuck-verse she has the ability of Ressurective Immortality like the rest of her friends. As the Spark of Space, additional abilities were obtained: she’s able to reality warp, teleport, manipulate size, construct portals, increase an object’s speed, matter manipulation, and other attributes she hasn’t been made aware of. Her class allows her to bring out the potential of anything she pleases so long as she uses her imagination, including other members in Sburb, making her one of the most important players of their session. Time is out of her boundaries though and one of the few things she cannot have control over.
- Technicolor Eyes: Her pink irises match the font color of her Pesterchum text in Homestuck-verse, otherwise they’re dark brown in everything else.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Actually has a plethora of them because they alternate so often. You will never find her void of some edible whether it’d be a churro, fruit, sushi, hummus, boba tea, pumpkin cookies, ice cream-the list goes on.
- Tsundere: Is a type B towards Gary and it’s so painfully obvious, as much as she tries to deny it.
- Vitrolic Best Buds: Is this with Dirk Strider. They sincerely enjoy snarking at each other and poking fun at the other’s interests. Expect to find them bickering like an old married couple or making sarcastic comments towards each other most of the time. He likes to flirt with her and tease her because he thinks it’s funny, which she shoots down immediately and stays stone cold at his faked words of hurt. On the reverse side, they become extremely protective over the other and will not let you get away with hurting them. If you bad mouth Dirk, expect Tori to come after you with a shotgun, and if you even so much as threaten her wellbeing, expect a sword being held at the nape of your neck. They’re rather loyal to each other and genuinely hold a lot of affection for the other. Because they’re so comfortable with their relationship, it’s quite often the case that outsiders will mistake them to be a romantic couple, though the two never expand on it as Tori just gets flustered and Dirk briefly comments that if his preference didn’t lean more towards guys, he might consider it, but they leave that as is and don’t really care how others view their interactions.
- Sasha is not convinced that their relationship stops at friendship, even though Tori has eyes for Jake and continuously tells her there's no need for worry. This causes a lot of tension between her and Tori in certain variations of Homestuck AUs since Sasha has feelings for the Strider.
- Subverted as in one Homestuck-verse variation, the kingdom-esque kind, Dirk and Tori do in fact become a romantic couple, starting off as best friends. It should be noted that Dirk loved her first, and it was only after until they were married at the ripe age of 18 that Tori fell in love with him, specifically after a heartwarming moment immediately following the first time they do the nasty. Their love is sealed when she gives birth to their first child, causing Sasha a lot of emotional distress as Dirk has no romantic interest in her whatsoever and makes sure she knows it in a future scene where he and Tori have a bit of a falling out.
- Also counts for the alternate ending of a high school Homestuck-verse in which Dirk does establish a romantic relationship with Sasha for a while, but she becomes romantically inclined towards Dave, and Dirk comes to terms with his affections for Tori, both Dave and Tori returning the feelings respectively. Basically everybody wins at the end.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Gary, though she doesn’t admit her feelings or even becomes fully aware of them until much, much later. Her main reasoning for not wanting a relationship is that she’s too goal-oriented, wanting to complete the Pokedex and become the Champion, but it’s obvious to other characters in the story that she holds a strong soft spot for him. Gary in turn knows she’s too focused on her goal to even care, or so he thinks, so he never tries to make any advancements. He jokingly flirts with her which she shoots down immediately, but the reality of it all, is that it sometimes genuinely hurts him.
- Counts for Once-ler as well since she really does like him and the feelings are reciprocated in secrecy, but considering he turned into a cocky greedy bastard who decimated the much-loved-by-Tori Truffula Forest to keep on biggering his factory and bank account, she’s not sure if she can forgive him for that.
- You can tell she still likes him when she confronts him in his office and becomes increasingly upset with his arrogant attitude and cocky smirks to match. The genuine hurt in her eyes when she sees he’s become a different man saddens her. It isn’t until she gives him a calm and heart-felt lecture that we see his old self start to slowly surface on his expression and demeanor. As nice as he turned in that instant to try and ask her to stay, she still left and ended their friendship as it was already too late. Cue the Lorax’s confrontation a few scenes later and then it all goes downhill from there.