All this final episodes are killin me. How can i wait the autumn for the new seasons? All my favourite series end in a bad way! I'm so pissed off. For example...
Private practice 2x22? Omg, i hate Shonda. The end with the psycho woman and Violet... That's horrible! And what about Addison and Noah? I want this two together. And Morgan have to know the truth. No matter to the baby or the marriage. Noah love Addie, that count.
Dell finally found Betsey, she's soooo cute, i'm so happy!! And Pete is the nice guy. This make me smile, i love him with Violet!
Naomi disappointed me a lot, she leave the practice? For the others? Aww i hate her. She's so stupid.
Charlotte, omg poor little Charl ç_ç i hope that Cooper help her.
Sam is so sweet with Nai... I hope they finally come together... and now we have to wait ç_ç i need spoilers for the third season.
Bones 4x26
I'm probably the only one who loves this episode! All the comments i've read was negative, Bones fans are very pissed off for this final, but i love it, i really do! I mean, the story of Bren is sooo cute, she reveals her feeling for Booth in that way! I know, Booth lost his memory, but i'm faithful that he remember that on the season. And seens all the charachters together in the episode makes me so happy, Zach!! Omg i miss him!!! I love him. Booth and Bren together seems soooo damn cute. I love this couple, and i hope they really stay together, non only in Bren fantasy. I can't wait the new season damn it!
So now i'm going to a party, so good bye, have a nice week-end ;)