1.your ability to make yourself appear a full decade younger than your actual age is remarkable 2.pickled jalapenos and sour cream... just pickled jalapenos and sour cream 3.fuscia 4.you're always in a sunny mood and are fun to talk to 5.that same time when you first remember me... you had longer hair and it was a darker and not-red color 6.the dancing tigers from the "kenya" flash cartoon 7.why do you get such nasy migranes so often?
genetics. My mother gets them much worse. Actually most people who get migraines get them worse than I do. I can usually control them with diet, sleep, and stress regulation... which are all very boring and make me feel like I'm 50.
Comments 7
2.pickled jalapenos and sour cream... just pickled jalapenos and sour cream
4.you're always in a sunny mood and are fun to talk to
5.that same time when you first remember me... you had longer hair and it was a darker and not-red color
6.the dancing tigers from the "kenya" flash cartoon
7.why do you get such nasy migranes so often?
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