1.Every average U.S. man,woman,and child consumes 35 animals a year. Over a lifetime, that adds up to 2,555 chickens and turkeys, 33 pigs, and 12 cattle and calves.
2.It takes less water and energy to produce food for a vegetarian for a year than to produce food for a meat-eater for a month.
3.Vegetarians are less likely than meat eaters to get heart disease, certain types of cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other diseases.
4. Find a person that weighs 250 pounds. That's how much meat the average American eats in a year. Now find something that weighs 5 pounds. That's how much meat a person in India eats in a year.
"Imagine sitting down to an eight-ounce steak. Then imagine the room filled with 45 to 50 people with empty bowls in front of them. For the ‘feed cost’ of your steak, each of their bowls could be filled with a full cup of cooked cereal grains.”
--author Frances Moore Lappé