i don't know if anyone but jenny will care, but i pledged to spread the word, so here it is
Dear ONE Member,
The most important thing you can do this year to end extreme poverty is vote on November 7th.
Extreme poverty impacts almost every aspect of our nation's foreign policy and contradicts our core values. Since ONE's launch two years ago, over 2.4 million people and 100 of the world's most respected humanitarian organizations have joined together in an unprecedented alliance to help the world's poorest nations. This November is the first time that we, as ONE members, will cast ballots and add our voices to the electoral process.
Pledge to vote and talk about fighting global poverty in your community.
http://action.one.org/ONEvoterpledge/ Sign the ONE Voter pledge -- a pledge to educate yourself, your community, and to vote on Election Day. Together, we are building an organized constituency of Americans who are taking concrete steps to end extreme poverty. Over the next six weeks, ONE members will host events in their homes, places of worship, and cities, educating themselves about how America can do even more to fight AIDS and poverty around the world.
We'll use the ONE Voter Pledge to reach out to people who want to learn how to get more involved. The pledge is a tool to raise global poverty awareness in communities across the country. Your one conversation or email might seem like a small contribution. But, in concert with millions of other ONE members, a pledge to vote and talk about global poverty is an important step toward enabling the world's poorest nations to rise out of poverty.
Pledge to vote and talk about fighting global poverty in your community.
http://action.one.org/ONEvoterpledge/ To win the fight against extreme poverty, we must make it a national priority. Please vote and make your voice and your priorities heard in the democratic process.
Thank you,
Josh Peck, ONE.org