Title: Between Characters: Kaoru/Rei Rating: Somewhere around R. Porn. Notes: This is character exploration on my part. With porn. Or possibly the other way around, actually... ~1000 words.
For how rare Oniisama e... fanfiction is, it is such a pleasure to find a story as well-written as this. I love how you contrasted Rei and Kaoru's different means of escapism.
Thank you ever so much. :) These characters have taken over my brain just a little bit recently but writing a new series for the first time makes me unspeakably nervous. Got there! And glad you enjoyed it.
They use each other as a safe place, don't they? And it doesn't quite work. Erh.. No I really don't have anything intelligent to say.
This was beautiful. I shouldn't be surprised that you manage to say so much with porn. And thanks for bringing up Kaoru's issues. It would be so easy to make it all Rei!angst but Kaoru has her own issues and her own reasons for being there. You've brought to my attention that I don't just like Kaoru, but.. ok, can't talk about this without getting very personal and it might just be too early in the day for alcoholism.
Comments 12
Thanks for prodding me about this yesterday. It got me motivated to do a bit more with it, at least! :)
This was beautiful. I shouldn't be surprised that you manage to say so much with porn. And thanks for bringing up Kaoru's issues. It would be so easy to make it all Rei!angst but Kaoru has her own issues and her own reasons for being there. You've brought to my attention that I don't just like Kaoru, but.. ok, can't talk about this without getting very personal and it might just be too early in the day for alcoholism.
Mmm. You're going to have to elaborate sometime but not here and now. Some other time, with a big bottle of gin.
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