Five applications that you have voted on: Name: Krista
Previously stamped as: Regular: The High Priestess, Western Zodiac: Capricorn.
Positive traits: Compassionate, creative, caring, open-minded, intelligent, patient, forgiving, observant (I think it's a good trait, anyway)
Negative traits: Stubborn, argumentative, irritable, sensitive, dependent, greedy
Likes: Arguing for the sake of arguing, art, new/different cultures, interpretation, animals, cleaning, books, anime/manga
Dislikes: Loud/obnoxious people, immaturity, close-mindedness, arrogance, messiness
This or That:
Aggressive or passive: Passive (It takes a lot to provoke me)
Cautious or impulsive: Cautious
Introverted or extroverted: Introverted
Choose three (maximum):
Perseverance, goal-oriented, guardianship [ ]
Health, introspection, strength [ ]
Trustworthy, clever, extrasensory perception [X]
Growth, change, hope [ ]
Humor, learning from mistakes [ ]
Gentleness, appreciation [X]
Loyal, trustworthy, friend [ ]
Truth, observance, creative [X]
Beauty, happiness, awareness of time [ ]
What is your philosophy in life?: Basically to look at things as positively as you can. I can be a cynic, and it has never really helped me. Be nice to others and try to see the good in people.
What is something you wish to have in your life?: I want a nice career. I love security and I want a nice home for the future. :3
Anything else you would like to add: Nope. Thanks for voting!