So this week I finished reading my first Doctor Who novel, The Stone Rose. It's too bad that a book that has the Doctor kissing Rose without the involvement of some other influence (possession, genetic transfer) had to be so blah.
I thought it was generally okay for the first half, but at some point it became a struggle to read. The book had the Doctor and Rose acting way too dense in many parts, seeming to take forever to figure out things that I had already seen coming miles away. It was especially painful reading parts concerning time that the Doctor didn't immediately clue in on. Hello, he is a Time Lord and it makes him look pretty stupid when he doesn't know things he should without conscious thought.
Both the Doctor and Rose were incredibly dumb to leave her alone with the most suspicious acting character in the beginning.
Although it was kind of fun reading about the Doctor dressed in a toga and sandals, the series seems to prove that this is something he is extremely unlikely to do. How many times does he worry about fitting in clothing wise? Never that I've seen, although companions often change their clothing to match their era/surroundings.
A few things that I actually did like about it:
Jackie and Mickey interactions with Rose and the Doctor in the beginning.
Rose making a pouch for the Doctor's sonic screwdriver, even though it felt a bit forced.
The Doctor kissing Rose on the lips. Granted it wasn't a romantic kiss, but it still made me pretty damn happy. And Rose commenting that he really must be back, her imagination's not that good.
The Doctor being the one who sculpted the statue of Rose and signing its bottom (not bum!) in Galifreyan.