Dec 03, 2007 15:29
oh man it's my birthday!!! I'm 19 and very old.
Nov 26, 2007 10:31
I just found out that I only have to take three test-format finals and only two of them are actually on finals week and they happen to be on the same day. Thusly, I will have three days of pure studying joy and be a good scholar.
Nov 16, 2007 12:35
It's like spring break for turkey lovers
Oct 30, 2007 23:55
The owner of the cold stone we worked at filed bankruptcy? so the stores closed...and I don't have a job. But I miss you cold stoners so much! grr. and thanks for the notice? seriously. I love you all so much, this is the best job I've ever had. I actually developed another family!
Oct 18, 2007 16:08
I just ate s*** on my bike
Oct 04, 2007 17:43
Mom's taking off that friday, so we can all be together and joyous and it will be like the old times when Marmie would read us letters from Pa in the war and Beth would play piano while I toasted my buns by the fire....Oh wait, that wasn't me, that was Jo from Little Women.
Sep 23, 2007 15:33
I'm excited to watch three wild and crazy tv shows tonight. yep.