I'm sure I've posted about Spot the Wonder Sheep before, but it's that time of year again, and some of you may have missed him in the past, so I'm posting about him again.
My mom made Spot the Wonder Sheep a long time ago... possibly before I was born. He doesn't have a date painted on him so I'm not totally sure. But when she brought him home, my dad asked, "Why is the sheep brown?"
To which my mom responded something like, "What sheep?"
Now, to my dad, it seemed perfectly logical that the critter next to the shepherd would be a sheep. What with it being a shepherd and all. My mom, however, hadn't even considered the possibility that the shepherd would have a sheep. She just assumed that the critter was a sheepdog.
And so he was named Spot the Wonder Sheep, the sheep we all wonder about.
At some point, Spot broke. My mom tried to throw Spot away, but he was rescued and glued back together. When I grew up and moved out, I took Spot with me, so that he would never get lost or forgotten.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all, from me and Spot the Wonder Sheep.
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