2012 Goal: I didn't really have one.
I read 26 books this year. I started 30, and finished 26. Actually, honestly I think I started even more than that and didn't finish them, and never wrote them down. I didn't read any books at all from late March through mid-August. I'm really not sure what happened. I think that was when I was watching a lot of bad movies and stuff.
And the worst of it is, none of them were even particularly great books. Which was part of the problem, I think. I got discouraged by the lackluster quality of what I was ready and just gave up on reading entirely.
2013 Goals:
- Read all of the books on my bookshelf and my Kindle that I have not yet read. I counted at one point, and it is a manageable number... 30-40, I think.
- Read the 2012 Printz Award books that I didn't read last year.
- Read the 2013 Printz Award books.
2012 Goal: Write 750 words a day, for a total of 274,500 words.
2012 Word Count: 339,500
I ended up 65K over my goal for the year. That counts original fiction, fanfiction, and I will also sometimes count the words for journal entries if they are more than a couple of hundred words and take any significant amount of time to write.
I did Camp NaNo in August, and wrote 70,808 words in 25 days. My highest weekly word count for the year was during that month: 24,882 words. My highest daily word count was 8881. That was the day I finished the novel, and I just kept writing 'til it was DONE.
There was only one week where I didn't write anything at all, and one week where I only wrote 46 words. Unsurprisingly, the 46 word week was the one immediately following the 8881 word week.
I wrote two novels, one of which is a complete trainwreck (and I forgot the robots). The other I think is actually pretty good, although I feel like it could use more development. I guess that's what editing is for... not that I ever do that.
One of the pieces of fanfiction turned into a serial, and is currently over 25K. I'm not entirely sure where it's going, but hey, I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point.
2013 Goals:
- Write 750 words/day
- Write So Below
- Write the 3rd steampunk book
Stretch Goals:
- Write 350K + words
- Write Godslayers
- Actually edit something?
- Attempt to publish something (that one is a real stretch)
2012 Goals:
- Go from 165 lbs to 150 lbs
- Exercise 180 minutes/week... which became 300 minutes a week in late April
I did, in fact, reach 150 lbs by the end of the year, although I was 151 this morning. I've come in at 150 or slightly under pretty consistently over the last week or so, so I'm counting it a success.
With the change in number of minutes, the end goal for the year ended up being 13,600 minutes total, and I ended up with 14,100.
I've stuck with SparkPeople to monitor my eating, because I need to hold myself accountable, and also because at one point I discovered that I wasn't eating enough to cover my caloric expenditure, so I need to keep tabs on it in both directions.
I started the year as a yellow belt, and ended it as a high blue belt. At this time next year, barring injury or anything else that would keep me from sticking to testing every three months, I will be a high brown belt working toward my black belt. I competed in a tournament and got one gold and two silver medals.
I am stronger, more flexible, and possibly more coordinated now than I was at the beginning of the year.
2013 Goals:
- Go from 150 lbs to 140 lbs (at which point I will consider myself done and just work on maintaining it)
- Exercise 300 minutes/week
- Go to TKD at least 4x a week
I have less money now than I did at the beginning of the year, primarily due to some expensive car repairs. I'm hoping I'll be able to put away a good portion of my tax refund to help rectify that situation. I'm also hoping that I'll be able to start calling in some more of the debt that's owed to me, because I'm tired of feeling financially unstable when I work a decent-paying job.
I applied for another position within the company, but nothing has been done as far as follow-up at this point. This isn't really surprising, considering the posting went up not that long before the holidays. Hopefully something will come of it in the new year. If not, I will need to start looking for other opportunities, outside of the company as well as in.
I will be attending my first big convention in January, and I am nervous about it. I'm not a very social person, and I'm not sure how well I'm going to cope with crowds. I guess we'll see. I have a hotel room to myself, since Riki and the kid stay with other people, so if all else fails, I can hide out there and write and watch stuff on my laptop... just like at home, only way more expensive.
I guess that's pretty much all for now. I'm sure I'll think of something I forgot later, but it's getting close to midnight, so I'll get this posted.
Here's hoping 2013 is better than 2012!
This entry was originally posted at
http://eternaleponine.dreamwidth.org/17293.html. Comments can be left on either site.