...in this sea of mediocrity,
i can be anything, anything i want to be.
SERIES → Final Fantasy VII.
TIMELINE → Post Advent Children.
SEX → Male.
HEIGHT → 6'1" ( 182 cm ).
WEIGHT → 175 lbs ( 77 kg ).
WEAPON → Nodachi blade ( Masamune).
APPEARANCE → The epitome of masculine beauty at a statuesque height of 6’1”, Sephiroth is a veritable feast for the eyes. With shimmering silver hair stretching past his lower back, any woman in her right mind might be envious, not to mention longing. The power of his presence permeates his bearing, his stature, his posture, and his general air. There is something naturally intimidating about him that makes him appear untouchable. Whether it be the perfection of his maneuvers, or the deep, silk-like sin that is his voice, Sephiroth commands respect with his everlasting grace.
With positively breathtaking facial features, it appears almost as if he were chiseled from the mold of a Greek god. Aristocratically angular face, elegantly sharp nose, and a perfectly pale, frosty complexion, Sephiroth leaves little to be desired in the realm of aesthetics. With a shapely mouth and a Cupid’s bow that reeks of temptation, his lips seem far sweeter than the words that fall from them, practically begging to be kissed, though this is extremely ill-advised.
His eyes are yet another extraordinary feature, multi-faceted and infused with a ghostly jade hue that shines in the light and practically glows in the dark. Emerald, viridian, and Persian green unite to create a medley of heart-melting proportions in a gaze that can cut clean through one’s soul. His eyes are his primary communicative device and while they may seem unnaturally cold at times, he can also convey a wide range of emotion with minimal effort should he choose to.
PERSONALITY → A megalomaniac with an acute superiority complex, furthered by a pervasive god complex, Sephiroth is highly self-centered with a sadistic streak that makes him a natural threat to anything and everyone. He has a one track mind centered on the theme of godhood and a fierce determination that kicks his unhealthy obsession into overdrive. Dangerously ambitious in his cause, Sephiroth will stop at nothing and go to disastrous, selfish, and murderous lengths to fulfill his self-imposed mission. He has a chilling disregard for life that is reflected in his ruthless proceedings and a fragmented state of sanity to aid his viciousness. He is also very well spoken, though prone to bouts of high-flown rambling and has a natural gift for debilitating banter, one of his preferred methods for torturing Cloud.
Sephiroth has a subliminal fondness for hearing himself speak and the acquiescence to his banter is sometimes the safer road to travel, though hardly guaranteed. He is naturally condescending and equally insensitive to the feelings of others, as witnessed in his blatant disregard when speaking freely on rather delicate subject matter. Most important, however, is one simple rule: He’s right, you’re wrong, so die if you have anything more to say about it. Despite this, he is incredibly open to challenge, especially the physical sort, as he takes extreme pleasure in making mulch out of his opposition. However, he does consider his time very precious and tends to behave most unkindly to those who seek to waste it.
STRENGTHS → Formerly a SOLDIER of legend, Sephiroth is defined first and foremost by his supernatural strength and grace on the battlefield. He is extraordinarily talented with a blade, equally proficient with material, and something of a machine in terms of stamina. His battle prowess earned him infinite praise in Shinra’s ranks and he was the flawless model of what every SOLDIER should strive to be. His intelligence and precision made him a fine General while his strategy and foresight led Shinra’s troops to many a victory. Never shaken and never surprised, Sephiroth once served as a pillar of strength for his men, accepting the form of an unchallenged force in the face of offensive opposition. A role model in every sense of the word, he was hailed as a symbol of excellence that would continue to shape history for the better… though everything is subject to change.
Yes, times have changed, and with new knowledge came the deterioration of his sanity. As it stands, Sephiroth maintains his cunning, compounding it with a dangerous sense of cruelty. His presence is naturally imposing, commanding, and positively radiating with a chilling power that strikes down to the very core of you. Sephiroth carries a high concentration of Jenova’s cells that not only facilitates his power to maximum potential, but makes syncing with her amazingly easy.
Despite a certain inability to identify with others, Sephiroth is artful and effective when it comes to bending others to his will. With Jenova’s assistance, the task becomes twice as easy when dealing with other cell hosts such as Cloud Strife. Confident and highly egocentric, Sephiroth is not easily deterred and is also intensely inconsiderate of others. Empathy is something foreign, people are no more than tools, and he doesn’t hesitate to dispose of them like last week’s trash. With this comes a cold, calculating ruthlessness that allows him to cut down any obstacle in his path without qualms or questions. He is dangerously ambitious and his ubiquitous resolve is a force of nature all its’ own.
WEAKNESSES → While Jenova is in some way responsible for his fearsome strength, she also functions as Sephiroth’s fatal flaw. With all his visions of brilliance, Sephiroth is completely blind to the folly of his dreams and the blatant lie upon which they are formed. Quick to make puppets of others, he is the most eminent victim of the puppet-master herself, and is too absorbed in his delusions of grandeur to notice. There is no reasoning with him in this matter, for she is supreme, he is divine, and together they will conquer. Do not question this. Jenova is the poison of Sephiroth’s soul, yet he readily drinks from her fountain, and does her bidding under the false conception that it is his own. Despite the underlying truth of which he is blissfully unaware, Sephiroth is something of a tool in his own right, but he uses Jenova all the same for a relationship that is as mutually parasitic as it is beneficial.
There is something inevitably tragic about Sephiroth, a quality that is easily overlooked in light of his foul cruelty. Though his megalomania distracts him, he is a classic example of the fallen, descended from grace, redefined in the image of chaos, and determined to suffer the world for his turmoil. With the loss of his sanity and the influence of Jenova, he has consequently surrendered the larger part of the man he once was. As far as he is concerned, this former self is a representation of his slavery to the system; meanwhile, he is slave to a new entity and as ill-informed as he ever was. Sephiroth’s mind is a complex, fragmented maelstrom that blots out the truths of anything that could potentially salvage him, for the fact of the matter is that he is content in this newfound place of self-destruction. He is unable to see himself for what he truly is and what he is not, which makes him all the more dangerous.
From Sephiroth’s god complex comes a certain talent for underestimation. While he retains his ability to assess a situation, he has lost the slim breath of humility which allowed him to do so with perfect precision. Where he once thought to call himself different, he now perceives himself as entirely greater-as a force that cannot possibly be stopped by the mere fortitude of humans. Unrelenting as he can be, he rarely feels the need to unleash the full force of his power, for he maintains the belief that there is very little that can truly challenge him. Ironically, this theorizing will be the source of all his downfalls but one.
HISTORY [ UNDER RECONSTRUCTION ] → In the golden age before his fall, Sephiroth was revered as a legend of sorts for his numerous heroic exploits. A 1st Class SOLDIER by his sixteenth birthday and a General in ShinRa’s armed forces by eighteen, he became the company’s unofficial symbol of excellence. Intensely loyal to ShinRa, he was a master of protecting the better interests of the corporation by means of unmatched force. That is, until the true nature of his origin was revealed during a routine investigation to Nibelheim in which he learned that he was a product and crucial component of the Jenova Project. This knowledge marked the full scale deterioration of Sephiroth’s sanity and a 360 in his department of loyalties. After days of underground confinement, he razed the town and set forth to free an imprisoned Jenova in the mountains. Thrice confronted, he was ultimately wounded by Cloud and stole possession of Jenova’s head before diving into the Lifestream.
There, he began a slow process of absorbing the head whilst increasing his knowledge of the Cetra and the power he could attain. With new and improved insight, he devised a scheme to severely injure the Planet by summoning the destructive power of Meteor. Upon impact, he would then intercept and absorb the Lifestream’s energy as it poured forth to repair the cataclysmic damage; in doing so, he would gain control of the Planet via the Lifestream, thus establishing himself as a god. The preliminary stage of his plan involved the roundup and delivery of his clones-individuals who carried Jenova’s cells from injection- to the Northern Crater, which he achieved through the possession of Jenova’s contained body in ShinRa Headquarters. He shaped the form to his likeness, employing it as a means to seek out the clones. Later, he would use them to instigate the retrieval of the Black Materia, which was succeeded through his manipulation of Cloud [who also carried the Jenova strain] in forcing him to turn it over.
With the Black Materia at his disposal, Sephiroth accomplished the summoning of Meteor, though not before killing Aerith in her attempt to counteract his impending measure of destruction by calling upon the power of Holy. When the clones arrived at the Northern Cave, the Reunion theory was in full effect and the Jenova cells combined to allow for the recreation of Sephiroth’s physical body. The dregs were promptly disposed with Cloud as the sole survivor of the purge and, after a chain of decisive battles, Sephiroth ultimately fell to Cloud and his party. Unceremoniously returned to the Lifestream, his pervasive will once again disallowed his surrender and in turn, manifested itself into three separate entities: Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo. Through this triple testament of his undying resolve, the stage was set to recreate the events that would lead to Sephiroth’s ascension.
Coupled with the spirits of his will, the Geostigma epidemic assisted his advent in sweeping the Planet and providing an alternate pathway for world domination. Using the blight to distort the Lifestream, Sephiroth intended to take control of the Planet and employ it as a vessel to sail the universe in search of a new Promised Land. Upon locating it, he would crash the Planet into the new world and take possession of the discovered grounds as well. The Reunion was successfully accomplished by Sephiroth’s remnants and he arose from the Lifestream, taking possession of Kadaj’s body and engaging Cloud in yet another epic battle that similarly ended with his demise.
the player
NAME → Age
AGE → 22
lv5_deathAIM SN → printed in blood
EMAIL → blood_flux@msn.com