Jun 19, 2005 00:43
So my finals are basicly over, only have photo and latin on monday.
photo is a party and latin is a joke.
SUMMER baby summer. see you there.
Jun 03, 2005 20:11
1. Think of the first word that comes to mind when you think of me.
2. Go to Google and search for that word (an image search).
3. Reply to this post with one of the pictures on the first page of results -- don't tell me the word.
4. Put this in your own blog so that I can do the same.
Oct 20, 2004 23:16
Time is stuck
I stare and see
They are moving
I'm not?
I am stuck
They stare and see
Time is moving
They're stuck
Time stares and sees
I am moving
Oct 17, 2004 23:08
Neon Lights, they fill the night
Blink in my sleep
Battery powered lives.
Instructed, commanded.
Demanded by the color
lights. Blink and flash
They wake us, direct us
They take us and leave us.
Red Yellow Green
Stop Slow Go
Walk Run Walk
This is you, That is me.
We walk, We drive.
We thrive
under the lights
Red Yellow Green
Stop Go Slow
No, no, no.