.. alliance information ..

Jun 05, 2007 20:19

There are different alliances in this world:

[EDIT: new category added (June 6)]

The East Indian Trading Company ::

Consists of a sector of the British Navy hired by the King to obtain spices from both the New World and Asia. Their most famous port in the Caribbean is Port Royal. A location granted to Buccaneers during the 1500s-1600s originally intended to ransack the Spanish fleet that often stopped for supplies on the islands before either returning back to the mainland, loaded with treasure, or to continue forward onto the Spanish colonies to obtain said riches. However, the Buccaneers became too greedy, breaking the license agreements they were given by the British governor of Port Royal. It is here that the pirates formed, and where the British government became concerned over these freelancers that were perceived as barbaric killers.

Soon British ships were the victims of Buccaneer raids as the Spanish once were, soon raising the pirate crews to criminal rank and eventually bounties were placed upon certain individuals' heads. It was at this point where piracy was a criminal offense punishable by hanging, the corpses displayed before ports, warning pirates who dared to come near British colonies (mostly Port Royal) or Britain herself, that pirates were condemned in these areas.

If you are British, you are most likely against the pirate scene. However not all are with the British government when it comes to supporting the EITC's command over the seas. They are strict businessmen who will do anything to achieve a profit, even capture pirates for information concerning riches beyond imagination.

If you choose to be a member of the EITC, pirates are not your friend, however they can sometimes be 'reasoned' with to obtain what you need.

You are also not always the source of good. Rumors of individuals who sell opium to the Chinese at this time have become corrupt businessmen. Perhaps a storyline or two could be formed around this (especially with pirate crews around Asia and even the EITC itself).

[EITC bases in the Caribbean are located on the following map in red: [here].]

Pirate ::

What more to say than a lover of the seas, rum, adventure, and sweet, sweet booty (not that kind silly)? The EITC is not your friend, but being the sly, cunning creature you are, you find them as a sort of tool to obtain your needs, also a dangerous form of entertainment. Pirates are the pirate's worst enemy. Even a pirate's own crew could turn against them at any given moment. Superstitious at nature and with mouths that would make even a sailor gawk, the pirate is the most obscene and dangerous form of humanity.

They make their home at sea, and take what they want but most likely don't need. Pirates are supported by the cry of the commoner, and even nations such as the United States and France (though they hide the fact that they do support) who seek to end the arrogant, and powerful Britain.

[Pirate-safe locations in the Caribbean are found in green on the following map: [here].]

[Pirate-lord territory divisions can be found [here] also.]

[For further adventures in the pirate world, you may need [this map] as well.]

Aristocrat/Bureaucrat ::

The rich, the artistic, and the politicians. The ones who control the strings of the British government or wished they did. These nobles are often perceived as the pampered members of society, the rich dogs that could care less about the pirate tyranny because they busy their lives away at being perfect and rich. But that is highly untrue. It is because of pirates that they don't get their precious tea, silk, and other Asian goods that seem to be all the rage at this time and age. How these items are obtained, however is another matter all together. Some know, some don't, but the opium trade is surely happening in China, making poor commoners and businessmen dependent on this product, and making Chinese economy slowly decrease in worth.

These nobles can either fight back or relax. It is up to them how the government will deal with this crisis.

Commoner ::

The average people in society that support either one side or another. Just as important as a noble, pirate, or the king himself, the commoner can rally an army of people such as his or herself and overthrow the government in revolution.

China is on the verge of uprise, while Britain is still unsure of how or why they should take action and what they should take action against. To side with the pirates? The government? The EITC? Or to rebel and create a new society best fit to serve the peasantry needs.

Slave ::

It was a harsh life for a slave, one of the key components necessary in the British trade triangle forming where slaves are shipped from Africa to the Caribbean in order to work the fields and develop sugar that was soon sent to Britain to sweeten their products. However, one does not necessarily have to be African to become a slave. Prisoners of war, the South Americans and Indians that the Spanish encountered, as well as commoners and or nobles convicted of treason against the crown were members thrown into slavery.

[If there are any other classes to suggest or any information that you feel like adding, please reply and let me know. You guys are just as responsible for creating a plot, so may as well start with the basis of the whole RP. ^_^]

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