Character(s): Itachi, Kisame & Deidara
Date: Summer Monsoon Season
Setting: On the Open Sea
Summary: Itachi and his crew are on guard duty when he sees a suspicious ship and moves in for a routine investigation.
Warning(s): None
Misc: Logs leading up to this will be posted later by the other parties.
The water was partly rough, a misty nocturne veiled over the already damp and cloudy air. Kisame leaned over the port deck, smirking slightly. It would be foolish to lean down and run his fingers through the water- even if that was something he yearned to do- as partly he wouldn't be able to reach as well as because they were already pinned as far as they could go without the current sweeping the direction of their stern and starboard. If he was in the buttery blonde's- Deidara- boots (he wasn't even sure if Deidara wore boots... probably raggedy old shoes. Or sandals.) He would have been able to touch the ocean before fighting. For that he was envious; If not a little jealous.
The ship in the distance was cloudy because of the dark overcast- the fog could be sliced with a knife- but he knew it was there. Within shooting range and firing distance. "..." He didn't have to say anything, instead he glanced back at his men- a few of them were below deck like obedient workers, the others standing dumbly with a rope or a dagger in their hands.
They were screwed, if they couldn't get to attention and prepare some of the cannons for defence. And Kisame was not planning on doing everything for himself.
"Approaching ship at three o'clock" one of the lookout towers informed spotting the ship off in the distance as he stood higher than the thick fog. A few of the other men nodded and went in search of their Commander to tell them the news.
But there was no Commander on this ship but the closest thing was their Lieutenant-Commander, temporarily assigned on guard duty with the decline of trouble in the area. Just because there were times of peace around there was no reason to relax with the illegal trading always taking place in the open water away from the Navy's watchful eye, always coming up short each time like there was a mole in the ranks. It might have not been on their ship but there was one that needed to be flushed out and there was no one better for the job than him, not that it was accepted with great enthusiasm.
On swift feet the younger ranked officer entered the room with a knock at the door first, knife edged hand firmly against his brow as he saluted it superior, holding the pose until he was instructed to drop it. He kept his back to him giving the command to stand at ease, his fingers tapping against his forearm with the abrupt entrance so whatever he had to say better have been important but thankfully the Navy was all about strictness and getting straight to the point. "Incoming vessel, Sir!"
A dip of his head showed the man that he had heard, waving him off to go back to his regular post leaving him in the room for a while by himself, going over the thoughts in his head as who or what was in the area. It would have been an innocent fishing boat for all he knew but then again it most likely was not but thanks to the minimal information given he couldn't be too sure that there would be sufficient men on board to be able to deal with such problems. Guard ships were always severely undersized for most encounters since they weren't designed for engagement in battle but he would be ready no matter how many were out there.
The few beams of sunlight that streamed through the thick fog outside and through the small window of the room glinted off his sword as he turned on his heel, taking leave from the room where he was welcomed with a few salutes of the men on board followed with a "Lieutenant-Commander Uchiha"
Scanning the selected few cautiously as if he was suspecting them of being enemies themselves, Itachi finally accepted them with another nod, hands dropping down to their sides and stiff body movements while they walked away. Walking up to the bow of the ship and standing up its peak, Itachi folded his arms and looked out to the dark shadow they were approaching in the distance. Not even the cold wind blowing from the impending storm made him shiver. Time would only tell who was out on the dark chasm.
His eyes were better than any one's on water- even if they were not ethereal, seductive or otherwise enchanting in any sense of the words- He could catch any light with them that reflected from the sky, to the ocean, making them light up like small flakes of gold. This was what He was doing now. The sudden bolt of light that reigned through the curtain of thick and smoky clouds had Kisame flicking his gaze to the apparition of a ship, noting the solidity of proof that It was there and that It was his enemy.
"A navy ship!" A steed of a man next to him said with a fascination that he loathed, at the moment anyway- interest in duties were very commendable but when a worker simply stood there as if His ship was not the target of the Navy ship(!) it made him furious and blood thirsty. This was His ship.
"A navy ship." He taunted in rebuttal to what the crew man said with such enthusiasm, entire head turning to him. "And what are we going to do about it?" Kisame asked now, leaning in close as his hand went to the hilt of his pampered sword.
Really, he had hoped that his crew was not that incredibly slow. They sailed under a pirates command and flag; they robbed, raped, murdered- otherwise plundered if in a 'berserk' mood- and yet they didn't believe they were breaking the law?
It was buffoonery, because the Law was here coming for them at the moment. "Arm the cannons." He said with a frown, not appreciating the dumb, lost look on the younger sailor. "Arm the cannons." He said, arching a brow inquisitively. Kisame wasn't planning on yelling his orders. Who did they think they were?
Another moment passed before the crew man bounced on his feet and scraped his tattered leather boots over the brittle deck- that Kisame, for sure, would repair at the next port they docked at- howling out his order. Kisame gave a once over the sails, surface of rough water and then the increasingly... queer appearance of the British Navy incoming. This better be good.
He shut his eyes and let out an exasperated breath;
Here he was hoping for a leisurely day off.
Sitting cross legged on Kisame's desk in the captains quarters, Deidara squinted out the dirty window then licked his finger and wiped away some of the grime so he could peer out. Not good, he decided, tilting his head to the side slightly. Navy ship. The delayed cries above to signal it confirmed his eye sight as he spun around on his butt to hop off the desk. His boots - yes he wore boots as any captain would - tapped softly on the wood as he sauntered out among the chaos of people rushing to prepare. He noticed Kisame standing silent watching the ship approaching and went over to stand up on the rail to get a better look, carefully balancing with a hand on a rope to steady himself from the dip of the ship in the waves. There was no way he was going to help if things got bad. He would defiantly take his rum and paddle away while the two ships blasted holes in each other.
The others busily ran around to prepare the weaponry all under the strict command of Itachi, each one of them efficiently doing their task with the minimal weapons being prepared, canons in place, the men readying their side arms as their ship drew closer. But they were well trained, each one of them doing everything with just a movement of his hand so he hadn't even have to speak a word.
The ocean's water crashed against the sides as they pulled in closer, Itachi's steady feet braced for the hard knocks so he wouldn't lose his dignity in front of his men and the other's the ship as they drew closer, one of the Privates yelling at them to stop their vessel and identifying who they were. The British Navy was not that hard to miss anyway.
Kisame partially wondered if they should play it safe, but then again, that would have been demeaning in very many ways, so he nodded ad gave word to have someone in his crew to raise the flag. Just so it was noticeable. Why not fight with the dignity they demanded? There was no honour among thieves, but there was dignity. And pride.
He leaned back and looked over Deidara. "Hm... Ever killed someone before?" He asked, handing him a small sword- none of his special ones, he was not idiotic to give up his favourite things in the world. He doubted Deidara was a killer; he didn't seem like the type. He was more of the one to set a trap and run and let it take its course.
"One on one?" Kisame added now with a smirk.
Kisame didn't wait for an answer, just looking back after forcing the hilt into the smaller set of hands, heading back to his cabin to prepare himself. He wanted his hat.
"And why do you think I would give that kind of information away, un?" Deidara said, dropping the sword Kisame had handed him into the water and watched it sink. He didn't need that, besides he had his own. "And why would you care anyway? I'm not a crew member, un." he stated, then hopped off to wander down the deck, no longer interested.
(Kisame frowned as a result and made a note to send Deidara to the brig later, if he didn't need him.)
Coming to an almost dead stop in the water the larger Navy ship floated a long side the boat, being just that slightly higher than the other gave him the ability to see clearly into the main-way but fog that surrounded the deck was making it impossible to see if anyone was hiding within the shadows. When the boat passed over the starboard side, Itachi strolled down in a slow steady motion with one foot after the other with his hands behind his back watching the flicker of people through the grey.
"Eigo wo hanashimasu ka" he asked in his native tongue since the boat was not of any kind of nationality origin that he knew so he reverted to what he known best. Pacing back and forth he played it cool but with a watchful eye, turning his head away to face the front of the ship. "This is the British Royal Navy, state your purpose!" Itachi finally stated in a language more universal but his accent would have totally gave him away that he was not a native English speaking, still suffering from the effects of broken English.
Kisame smirked. He sounded almost like those from the edge of China where he bought this ship. "We're but sailing through, and you?" He asked with a twinkle of energy and fun in his eyes. The caller was too far into the distance to make out exactly the age or intent in the 'Captains' eyes, but he could tell by the broken tone that it was not pleasant and because they were the Navy- even less chance for them to trust the commanding tone.
Walking across the deck to the small boats, Deidara began the process he had before of untying his ship and lifting it over board. Hopefully this time Kisame wouldn't notice and he'd be able to escape before stuff got out of hand. Deidara had done a decent job of avoiding the navy till now, as a pirate he had too. If worst came to worst though, he could always fake a captive. Wait he was a captive. He paused in his work to think. "....." now it was all a matter of did he want to be a damsel or just a captive... he wondered which he could get away with the easiest.
Not responding to the question back of what he was doing in the area because frankly it was not of his business, what did he think he was doing? Fishing. Smart ass.
The other men behind him stood firm letting their leader do all the questioning but each and every one of them was ready to strike with just a click of a finger. Leaning up against the edging of the boat Itachi's head followed from bow to stern watching for that slightest hint of illegal activity to give him the excuse to board and inspect their equipment, not believing the just sailing through story. They were all just sailing through... with illegal cargo.
"...And your destination?" he asked the one answering his questions in a hard flat toned voice, this time sounding more dominant of his position between the two of them. Navy equalled you listen to what I say or else there would be hell to pay with you spending your time in a cell, waiting to be eaten by rats.
"Heh..." Kisame smirked and shrugged. "None in particular. We're just enjoying the sea." He nodded, leaning against the banister of the front end- feeling the splinters of the wood begin to erode from the moisture in the air. He had a friendly look on his face and he seemed more interested in Itachi- it was almost like he was flirting (in a way, he was). "And you didn't answer my question. Someone so politely raised in the British Navy should be decent enough to answer why you're stopping my cruise through." There was a storm approaching after all.
Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in to focus his thoughts with the arrogance of the man, Itachi exhaled opening his eyes up slowly, looking over his shoulder to his temporary assigned men. "We are boarding your ship. Prepare all your men on deck now!" Once again he wasn't giving explanation on what they were doing.
A quick turn on his heel towards the ones guarding him, a point to two who nodded straight away back. "Lieutenant, you are to search the men on deck. Private you are to search the gallows. It breathes, bring it up onto deck, if it looks suspicious stop it in its tracks" he commanded with perfect composure.
A quick salute and a "Ho!" from the men, moving single file to the edge of the boat waiting for the drawbridge to be dropped. Lastly he looked at the others with narrowed eyes; they already knew what they were to do if they were needed.
Kisame's smug look of contentment dropped into a lopsided frown. "Ah... I'd rather not." He mumbled from the side again, looking back at the occasional crew mate who stared at him for orders. Kisame was not one to get excited and bark orders- unless he was hungry or very...unhappy with the company- but he supposed this was one of the latter. He didn't like the pompous little brat that was snapping commands while clicking his heels over a, no doubt, polished deck and he definitely didn't like taking orders in general.
He leaned back and glanced over at Deidara, tsking slightly. It was obvious he was not going to help and he considered selling him off to the navy, just to get some leverage and a chance to break away. His ship was fast on rough waves- the oars below the hull of the ship used the sharp waves to navigate and strike forward-not so much on calm water, so he was hoping to get at least a kilometres distance. But that would require Deidara's aching need and urge to leave his ship.
Hm. They were already half way to freedom.
Itachi's head snapped towards the direction of the defiant man trying to work out if he heard him correctly... did he just say that he rather not? He was openly refusing to comply with his orders. A small forced chuckled as he thought it over some more clearly knowing that he heard it but to deny an inspection was a criminal offence, not one that would serve too much of a penalty but it would get you a good night in lock up while the ship was docked and inspected.
"You don't have a choice" he stated, narrowed dark eyes straight on the shadowy figure that he still could not make out. Apparently he did not understand, it was making him even more wary of him and this was not the actions of someone out on a casual boating expedition.
A nod and an ever so slight raise of his hand, the men on deck stormed towards the edge of the boat, some with swords, others with pistols blazing, all on edge just waiting for the smallest movement from their Commander to give the word to open fire or storm the ship.
There was an audible tsk and Kisame pushed himself off the side of the ship so he could look back. He noted the movement and stationing of the twerps men and nodded, looking at his own. "Not a single foot touches the deck." He warned, walking into his quarters now. Fine. He would get his own set of shooters and he had to grab his favourite gun too. It was a shame- he didn't want it to break, but he would risk it. He hadn't had a good fight for a while. And he wanted to have a word with the smug little commander on the others sip. It was always interesting to see how a person reacted when they had a jagged spear next to the massive vein in the nec- humans lost face hen in the eye of death anyway.
This one was being quite troublesome with the constant refusal to comply but at least he had granted somewhat access to the ship, his hand raising to tell the others that were originally supposed to come along to stay as he did not want to make this harder than it had to be. A few men but couldn't tell the exacts some of them could have still been concealed with the fog but it was slowly fading with the skies opening up to realise a steady downpour of rain. The droplets rolled over Itachi's face to make the long hair that frames his cheek stick to him but in doing so it covered his eyes so less could be seen of him.
Careful cat like steps over the plank of wood that wasn't secured very well between the two vessels as he made his way over and jumping straight onto the deck of the ship just to piss him off. The faces of the others were finally revealed making Itachi turn his nose up at all of them, they were the lowest excuse for a crew he had ever seen, none of them mustn't have ever heard of bathing. "Everyone up here now!" he commanded, noting a few had left the party early. He was too quick minded to let a couple slip by unnoticed.
Kisame walked out with an echoing sneer, stepping over directly. He even whistled and cocked his head back. "You're giving my crew orders, kid?" He asked, chuckling quietly. Smaller than he had initially thought. He leaned in close now and massaged the firm hilt at his hip, nodding his head. Cuter than he initially thought to.
He was Asian, from what he could tell, the same hot onyx eyes, nose and lips that were commonly found. He had never been to Japan, but he had seen a few of its habitants when he was in China for the four months. Once of his crew mates slid their way up and inspected him, much like Kisame was and he leered over shaking his head. Not. A. Chance.
"I suppose the Commander and I should have a little talk." He muttered, eying the brat. He snapped his fingers and smirked to himself again, tapping his toes over the deck with a smile. "Your ship will be safe with mine, Commander, but if your men step over theirs and onto this one, I won’t promise the welfare of your men. And I'm sure mine would be happy to inspect the riches from Britain you hold."
There was a content nod and mauling cheer from a quiet number- they didn't talk much, which Kisame was glad for. Well behaved... even if they lacked proper BO. The others were below deck anyway. They had the cannons armed- as he hoped.
The men on the ship weren't going to stay silent with the request that was made, the second highest ranked officer stepping forward to come onto the ship exclaiming "Lieutenant-Commander! You can't be seriously considering this!" While he was Asian, the rest of them were clearly of British decent with thick accents, so much that he had troubles understanding them at times.
Itachi didn't even take one step as he told him to stand down, to return to the ship before he made the situation more complicated than it needed to be. Even thought he had grounds to take them all in right there and then he would give them the benefit of the doubt but it didn't mean his guard was relaxed, he was only more... entertaining the thought. A few steps forward to push past the burly men who really needed to spend a good day soaking to get that filth off them but as he nudged shoulders with the blonde one he couldn't help but glance in his direction. It was only brief but he had saw him before continuing to a good arms length away from the one who had been giving him the attitude, crossed arms in front of him with a cold hard composure on his face. "I take it that you are the Captain"
Kisame nodded and walked into the quarters he was fluent with- and glared at the blond, silently telling him to keep his trap shut, if he wanted to keep that 'ship' of his- leaning back against the deck. "I am the Captain. And you... being the Lieutenant-Commander." He nodded and shut his eyes. He was more than jovial. Not even the commander, which bolded both good and bad for him. He was aware of what the kid really wanted by accepting his offer, unless he was truly so naive that he thought they were going to talk, discuss or other wise...negotiate.
"Do tell me, why you have stopped the trekking of my ship. We simply don't want to be caught up in this storm, you see." He nodded and leaned forward again, inspecting the flakes of scarlet in the otherwise black eyes before smirking. Two gorgeous men in a less than 3 week span. What luck.
"Inspection of the vessel, the Royal British Navy reserves the right to search and impound any ships in the waters what are seen as suspicious" Even as he spoke his eyes surveyed the surroundings of the small corner, leaving no minor detail out of what he saw since if they were pirates they weren't very well going to be keeping everyone out in the open. "And yours is suspicious"
The initial scan of the quarters that he had taken him into showed nothing out of the ordinary so there was nothing more to see there, a quick turn heading towards the door to take his leave for the next room. More so he wanted to get to the lower deck to investigate there because there was something about that ship that was all too unnerving, something was certainly being conducted there and it was more than a simple ship that was travelling with a crew for adventures. Itachi knew it, he could feel it.
Kisame took a careful step forward and leaned on his feet before grabbing onto Itachi's arm, pulling him back. "Ah-huh. At least have the decency to ask for a tour if you want to see the place so badly...” He would not allow the brunette- as cute as he was- to parade through his ship as if he owned it. He stole it, fair and square.
Kisame pulled him back- he was lithe-and he was wary and cautious for sign of a gun or other wise a pistol. Many of the Navy men held onto that, he noticed. Secretly, he told his men to cut the throats of a few of the pompous 'pompadours' deciding that the Commander had only a few uses at the moment. And he would rather disarm him first.
So he had him back against the flank of the wall, peering very closely down at him. Stone-face, child, he mused.
The Captain must have had a big brass set on him to attempt something as brave as to corner him especially considering his position of power, did he just want to be arrested? Looking up at him due to the height disadvantage that he had, his black eyes were the only thing that moved on him as they narrowed harshly but no other muscle even flinched on his face. He was no intimidated by the move one bit and if that was his objective he picked the wrong person to do it to.
"I do not need your permission for the tour regardless of it being your ship or not" he growled at the taller man. He was seriously treading dangerous waters with him at that moment and if he wanted to come out of this in one piece then he would certainly heed to him and let him continue so he could return to his ship to take leave.
With his eyes fixated on him the entire time in watching for any serious threat against him, Itachi smashed his shoulder into the other to get him to move but it was like hitting a brick wall, he must have been nothing but solid muscle underneath. He was too close to him; he hated anyone who got into his personal boundary, every muscle in his body tensed with the claustrophobic sense. If he wouldn't let him go freely then he would have to make him one way or another.
Almost amused by a sudden dismay, Kisame pushed back against the quivering body. His hands pushed against the desk on opposite sides before pinning Itachi in between them. "Heh." He mumbled. "Suddenly you're acting suspicious." He shut his eyes and looked out the back windows, eyes flickering from the distant lightning. Whatever he-hadn't made up his mind yet- was planning to do, he would have to do it fast. The storm was fast approaching.
However he decided to turn this into an advantage and nodded. "Do you often sail near the eye of a storm?"
He was no longer there as he closed his eyes with a deep exhale to calm his thoughts, to quell his nerves before he acted irrationally to the invasion. Light fingers tapped against the wall when they opened up again, that hard face back again with everything pushed back down inside with more serious matters at hand. That storm was drawing every so closer with the brittle wood of the ship letting them know that it was with the creaking of the hard waves pounding and thrashing against the hull, a Navy cruiser could handle it with the proper maintenance it received but this rickety old thing might not come out of it so fortunately. Depending on the severity they would be lucky to make it out alive.
"...." Itachi wanted to say more but the hard knock against the ship with the furiously wave threw off his balance with the unexpected hit, not being able to move to far under the other but his hands settled the movements pressed against the rough finished wood. "You will not have to suffer it if you just let me complete this swiftly. Then we can both be on our way" and it was as simple at that. The relentless storm could have been avoided if he hadn't put up just objections.
"I won’t be suffering." He answered, looking at the other for a moment. "Your name." He said, releasing him from his arched place against his no doubt blistering and splintering desk- he really needed to have that fixed-. Kisame walked to the small globe in his room before sitting. There would be no one to allow Itachi access if he wanted it anyway. They could easily over power Itachi- as long as there was no hidden ammunition and gunpowder on the younger person- and they would start shooting as soon as there was a single look of suspicion from the 'bonnie' looking voyager that the Navy had under control.
Kisame leaned back against the wall and shut his eyes almost tiredly. "What are you hoping to find, Commander...?"
"Who said that I was hoping to find anything?" he asked back, at the assumption that he was looking for something out of place or more of expecting it. It was a standard routine check just like everyone else they encountered had to suffer through just to make sure that the waters were safe from the hooligans of the seas... but with the way he had acted about it he certainly had came to more of a conclusion that they were one of them.
Since he had no more to discuss with the other man, Itachi huffed silently and left the room for his search. He had heard the request to give the name but he was choosing not to give him that option of knowing it since there was no need. He knew his ranking, he knew what organisation he was from, there was nothing else that needed to be discussed.
That was fine, Kisame just stood up. He didn't follow because he rather glinted his eyes in direction of the lightning- he would have to order to cover the grate over top of the lower decks, the excess water sped the production of rotting wood and the metal attracted the burn from the dangerous flying fire. He sighed and wished for once that he could just have a tip of the hat and thanks for allowing the search from the law- but instead he walked out and looked at his crew, nodding slightly.