Digimon has no Kink Meme, and that bothers me. What bothers me even more is that the Pokemon fandom has one before us, and to my old-school Digimon fan heart, that's even worse. So tonight I bring you:
The Digimon Kink Meme!
The Basics:
1. Comment anonymously with a pairing and a kink. All seasons, all kinks and every pairing (including the digimon) are allowed! Check
here for a list of kinks.
2. Respond anonymously with a drabble/fic/art. Or just comment for fun, whatever floats your boat.
3. This will probably end up NSFW.
Making my life Easier:
1. If you're requesting something, please try to respond to something too! Preferably the older ones first, although if you don't like the request, I can't make you do it. :) But we want to keep the meme going so that we all have something to distract us from work/school/whatever.
2. No wank please, but that goes without saying.
3. Advertise, advertise, advertise! We want this to go as long as possible!
Get writing, and have fun!
Other Kink Memes to check out!