until the stars go home

Jul 29, 2016 10:00

Title: until the stars go home
Pairing: chanyeol/baekhyun
Word Counts: 4,047
[click to open]implied!depression, mentions of alcohol/drunkenness
Summary: chanyeol always comes and goes whenever he likes.
Author's Note: this fic is for Axelle, who has helped me go through almost everything when i needed someone by my side. Happy birthday, Axelle! I ( Read more... )

f: exo, w: +1000, p: chanyeol/baekhyun

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Comments 2

natsuminara July 29 2016, 06:37:48 UTC
Eepppppp *-*
Thank you so much for this ;A;
-I'm almost emotional even just b/c of your writing growth lmao-
This is beautiful *-* and LOL for a moment there I thought you'd added fantasy and chanyeol had to leave everytime b/c he wasn't a creature of the human world and staying w baekhyun was sucking away his energy
Lol you had me going xD
Chanyeol and a woman eh. Bastard. Why would you go for a woman when you have baekhyunnie jfc
Also. Cigarettes and alcohol and women are never the solution bruhhhh, you don't even sound 'rock n roll' chanyeol; lmao

Anyway syue ♡♡♡
Thanks sooooo much
This reminds me of the time I had to beg you for your fics and you wouldn't bat an eyelash at my pleads
And now you even wrote one for my birthday.
I feel honoured and flattered :")
I love you; syue.
Thanks -♡♡


eterninitys July 29 2016, 08:00:11 UTC
Bruhhhh I'm sorry I am not creative enough HAHAHAHAHAH I wish I had the time to write it as a unique story but HAHAHAHAHHAAHAH. I'll write a decent fic that has decent plotlines for you one day 😂😂

I'm just glad you liked it :"""""""D


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