DRABBLE: The Sport of Brian Kinney (PG; Brian/Justin)

Jan 10, 2007 04:31

Title: The Sport of Brian Kinney
Author: Etharei
Fandom: Queer as Folk (US)
Characters: Brian/Justin
Prompt: 3 (Sport)
Word Count: 200 (double drabble)
Rating: PG for language and sexual referances
Summary: Sex was the sport of Brian Kinney.
Disclaimer: Queer as Folk and all the characters and situations featured therein are the property of Showtime, Cowlip Productions and their affiliates. I’m only borrowing them for purely non-profit, recreational purposes, and promise to replenish the condom and lube supply when I’m done.
Author's Notes: Written for 25fluffyfics. What happens when Rei is tired and decides to play with words.

Sex was the sport of Brian Kinney. Backrooms, in Babylon and elsewhere, were his playing fields, his painted tracks, his heated courts.

Some claimed, accused, complained, that it was all he knew, that hunt using weapons more effective and natural than guns or blades. That’s all he knew, they said, like it was some sort of failure, a shortcoming, a disability. Even when it wasn’t true. An untruth that they were aware of, too, so why the surprise when he never deigned to pay attention?

Then Justin Taylor entered the scene.

Justin, the kid who came into the game early, in more ways than one. His entrance heralded by the smile of the sun and the name for Brian’s son. Someone finally capable of outmatching Brian. A treasure, a challenge, a guilty pleasure. But saying that Brian couldn’t resist would be another untruth, because Brian, if anything, had a will of iron, among other things hard as iron; say, rather, that he did not. Blue eyes, blond hair, hot ass. Taking Brian in, in all the way, all the ways a person can be.

On dark sheets or under shitty lights, Justin transformed sex- breath-taking, mind-blowing, heart-stopping sex- into art.

Look at the Table of Fluff

25fluffyfics, qaf fanfiction

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