Go to your Calendar and find the first and last entry for each month of 2006.
Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review."
(Or whatever line you think is most appropriate.)
-- Well last night I got ditched.
-- I really should get off the computer and do my homework.
-- I fucking hit the tab button in the middle of a huge post and then hit backspace so it ate my post.
-- Weekend = better than usual. Went to VCC.
-- God damnit molly.
-- list of people who will definetly be at my house tonight:
-- Well. Shit.
-- I think my bad luck is due to the lack of caring I give forth to chain-mail.
-- I feel like dancing.
-- I think i'm starting to realize something I've been trying to ignore for sometime.
-- - I really wish someone would say "it's because you're beautiful" instead of "cuz youre hot"
-- Squeaky is fucking weird.
-- Well, I don't know exactly how long it's been since I lasted updated, so here it goes.
-- Woooo I leave in a dayyyy!
-- well, i'm back from Seattle.
-- BJ deletes almost every comment I leave him on myspace, and doesn't answer his phone when I call.
-- Rain
-- molly and i went to regency today.
-- yeeah. I'm tired and my throat hurts and hmmm i want some coffee.
-- molly and i just fought for the keyboard.
-- Wooow. I haven't updated in forever and the internet has been down.
-- (2 Points) My name:
-- hey those of you who read my blog like good children.
-- Three days after Christmas and I finally update!