Name/Nickname: Mako
Personal Journal:
justifiedwingsCharacter: Rinoa Heartilly
Character Series: Final Fantasy VIII
Character History:
The daughter of an accomplished piano player (and later singer) who died at too early an age and a father who was never really that present in her life, Rinoa grew up in a comfortable lifestyle. She avoided many of the complications that the other characters suffered from, never had to grow up in an orphanage, and never really had to worry about losing any of her memories over time. In spite of having lost her mother shortly after five years of age and suffering beneath the wings of a father who likely didn’t know how to be a father at all, Rinoa had a relatively luxurious (in comparison and lightly put) environment to thrive in.
Somewhere along the lines, she surely thought this wasn’t good enough. No. It wasn’t quite enough to be the daughter of an influential man of militia experience and the offspring of impressive lineage. Her own beliefs as she aged clashed with his and she became a resistance member [of the Forest Owls] in opposition to the military branch that her father worked for. Also likely somewhere during this time, she was able to use her relationship with Seifer Almasy to further potential plans for aiding the resistance. She’d learned of the combat specialists, the SeeDs, and the various Gardens who deployed them. Putting two and two together, she believed she could enlist the aid of the SeeDs to achieve the Forest Owls’ success (which was ultimately Timber’s liberation from beneath the corrupted hands of President Vinzer Deling, the leader of Galbadia).
In some clever scheming, Rinoa was able to use the SeeD inauguration ball and Squall Leonheart to locate Seifer, in which she was able to officially meet Cid Kramer, the man who led Balamb’s Garden. From there, she was able to hire the help of three SeeDs to progress with Timber’s revolution. Fate could have been defined as ‘conspiring’ as in those particular three, Squall had been one of them. Even with his help, Selphie Tilmitt’s, and Zell Dincht’s, Rinoa’s tactics were not so overwhelmingly successful. In fact, most of her schemes didn’t pan out-or at least, not the way she’d hoped they would. It could be said that while she had the heart and ambition to make a difference, her lack of self-discipline and knowledge of the field wound up as setbacks.
When President Deling announces that Sorceress Edea is to become the ambassador for Galbadia (more likely an act of Ultimecia’s) and takes Seifer as her ‘knight’, focus turns from Timber’s independence, onto a greater threat at hand. Rinoa continues to journey with Squall and the others, however, as her contract with the Garden explicitly stated she was to remain their client until Timber achieved freedom from Galbadia’s oppression. Through failed sorceress assassination attempts, imprisonment (the D-District Prison), discovery of the true natures of the Gardens (NORG), crashing into seaside towns (Fisherman’s Horizon), and Squall’s promotion as commander of Balamb Garden, Rinoa grew closer (or more tolerant or more understanding) to Squall over time.
With the final attempt on Sorceress Edea’s life following the great confrontation with Galbadia Garden, they freed her from Ultimecia’s grasp, which unfortunately left Rinoa in a comatose state for the next portion of Squall’s excavation with the others. Fully knowing that Ultimecia was the source of most of their issues involving Galbadia’s repeated invasion attempts and much of the other oppression that the other nations were facing, Rinoa was brought along.
Squall’s inability to fully concentrate due to Rinoa’s status led him to seek the aid of advanced technology in order to find a diagnosis. In Esthar (and more precisely, the moon), Rinoa came to involuntarily and was used as an implement to free the Sorceress Adel, another step in Ultimecia’s conquest as she was virtually using the various vessels worthy of sorcery to travel. A defining moment, Squall came to Rinoa’s rescue not only once (in space), but again when they returned to Esthar and Rinoa willingly subjected herself to being sealed away. Her powers as a sorceress compelled her to hide herself away, especially if it meant preventing Ultimecia from using her again. In spite of this, it was with Squall’s influence and the others that she chose to accept her abilities without hesitance, regret, and fear.
With the coming defeat of Adel, Rinoa accepted the traditional transfer of sorceress powers. However, with that came Ultimecia’s need to use her again. As a vessel again, it was with Ellone’s help that Squall and the others were able to visit Ultimecia’s particular time line in order to stop her. Through further trials and tribulations, they slew Ultimecia and in consequence unravelled time. Further defining, while the others were able to return to their own time period, Squall could not without Rinoa’s aid.
Peace, though a fleeting ideal at best, reigned and it could be assumed that for a time, there was some form of a happily-ever-after for Rinoa.
Character Personality:
Rinoa is, to some degree, like any other average young girl. She has dreams, wishes, hopes, and at times can be very emotional, which leads to brash actions and poor impulse control. Despite this, her intentions are primarily good and causing detriment to anyone who doesn’t deserve it is the farthest thing from her mind.
With how she grew up and potentially how she was raised by General Caraway, Rinoa often portrays herself as a bit spoiled and even a brat. She doesn’t enjoy being proven wrong and she desperately longs to be taken seriously, especially by people whom she may seek some form of juvenile approval from, as seems to be the case when she addresses Squall’s inability to act for himself instead of as simply on behalf of the Garden. She tends to say childish things and can be contrived a bit as… immature, but that can be interpreted as a front. She appears to be fond of arguing, and if not that, then at least to drive a point home when she feels it’s most necessary.
Rinoa is seen throughout the storyline often in Balamb Garden’s library, an implication that she enjoys reading. With her ability to take charge and front position, she shows that she’s confident in her abilities. In order to have such an influence over those in the Forest Owls, Rinoa has clearly more than proven with her knowledge and observance that she is worthy of having some leadership qualities about her. Because of this, it’s a good indication that the other side she chooses to show, the less professional side may be a result of her lacking some form of childhood when she was growing up with General Caraway.
In comparison to the other characters, Rinoa is somewhere between Selphie’s bright optimism and Quistis’s sometimes gloomy realism. Rinoa searches very hard for the silver lining in the many dark clouds that come along, but if she doesn’t have support and if she doesn’t have some form of outside encouragement, then she can too easily fall more into anger, irritation, agitation, and frustration, rather than depression. Although she has her moments of being aggravated, they often seem to fade somewhat quickly, so she probably has very little desire to hold grudges or other petty things of that nature.
While Rinoa oftentimes seems filled with a lot of confidence, most of which she probably acquired while being in her father’s presence, she has insecurities that balance those out. Among these is her need to be socially accepted by the others and fear of where she belongs, what she should be doing with her life, and how the world in general perceives her. Again, a good number of these doubts and uncertainties were probably fuelled by something General Caraway either said to her when she was younger or how he treated her. Realistically, being in her position or social hierarchy, she probably knew she was expected to act a certain way as her actions not only impacted herself, but also her entire family.
Rinoa is nothing short of a seemingly noncomplex character filled with a variety of intricate inner workings of the emotional and mental kind.
Character Abilities:
In terms of physical capabilities, Rinoa was not made for journeying through rough climate, scaling mountains, or things that would likely be found in a boot camp. To counter this, however, she does have some experience on the battlefield, like a consequence of being raised into a military family. She is often seen using projectile weapons, which implies that she’s better kept in the back lines rather than ever being upfront or a ‘direct’ soldier.
While she may not entirely understand them, Rinoa has access to a variety of magical powers. As they were inherited from Adel and Ultimecia as well, she can utilise elemental spells and magic that normally would not ever grace the hands of particular people. Sorceresses are considered to be descendants of Hyne, the legendary celestial being behind the creation of all of mankind. This could very well mean that by default terms, Rinoa’s sorcery is unworldly, however, in her time in OZ, her abilities will be dampened and likely not nearly as useful.
Although she also uses her pet dog, Angelo, as a fighting implement, realistically this wouldn’t happen. However in a world of magic and many things that don’t seem to make sense, Rinoa quite possibly could have used Angelo in conjunction with her sorcery later on. Again, this won’t be coming up anywhere in OZ’s environment.
Journal Sample:
You know, when people can’t get around and do something, some of us go stir crazy. Like, when the big things start happening, I want to be right there to see them and to be involved. Otherwise, what’s the point? If you can’t see what’s going to happen and you don’t know what’s going to happen, the only thing you’ll do is worry. I don’t want to spend my time waiting for something to come or something to happen.
There are too many people around who’d sooner just sit down and watch the world pass them by. I don’t want to be like that. I can’t be the only one either, right? The strength of many definitely outweighs the strength of one, so I think it’d be ten times better if we all worked together. And even if people don’t agree, with a little encouragement and maybe even a smile, we’ll be one step closer to the right direction.
So… who’s with me? Or am I seriously just blowing hot air?
RP Sample:
Her dark eyebrows knit together as she, with every muscle known to man-well to her, at least-was stretched and pulled. All for the sake of a book. One, single book. Rinoa was getting bent out of shape (literally) for a book. In the back of her head was a nagging voice that told her there were about ten other good reasons for her to bend over backwards for something, or even someone, and they were probably better than a book. But she just wouldn’t have it.
That was the problem sometimes. Rinoa was the stubborn type of creature, not easily tamed, and not easily put down. More often than not, when she wanted something, she was going to get it. Even when it required the kind of strenuous effort that most people would have stopped putting in after fifteen minutes and no success. Those sorts of people, however, if they couldn’t work for the end result, then maybe they didn’t deserve it. That seemed to be the winning notion and it easily drowned out any of the partial logic that said Rinoa was wasting her time.
She scrunched up her face, something she would have thought was unattractive if anyone else were to happen by, but something that others might have thought of as ‘cute’.
No, she thought to herself. I’m pretty sure that I don’t look very appealing right now. But you know what? If they were me, they’d want the book, too!
Once again, potential insecurities were hastily stamped out by Rinoa’s unwavering spirit and determination. By this time, she’d used the second shelf to support her and as she planted herself as flat as she could against the spines of many books-most of which she’d either read or defined as not worthy of her eyes, she stretched her fingers as far as they could go.
“Almost…” she uttered, more to herself than anyone listening in, “…got… it!”
The last was said in exclamation, in proud declaration, and the force in which she withdrew almost sent her toppling from the series of shelves. Regaining her balance and after picking up whatever dignity she’d dropped, she helped herself back down. The free hand brushed herself off and with the other, she looked over what she’d worked so hard to obtain.
“Finally,” she sighed, almost in disbelief, “I can stop reading all of that Anarchists Monthly.”